Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Future – Here’s Why He Might Go Back To London In 2021

British Family news reveals Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are settling down in their new lives in Los Angeles, but how long will it take for the prince to feel homesick for his life back in London? That’s what fans can’t help but wonder. While no one knows what’s in store for Harry’s future, here are five reasons why the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should consider a move back to London.

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The Celebrity And Paparazzi Culture In L.A.

One of the key reasons why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to step down from their roles as senior members of the royal family is because they wanted to live a more private life and of course, be more financially independent. However, it’s going to be very hard for Prince Harry to keep private living in the celebrity and paparazzi epicenter that is Los Angeles. There’s no way he will be able to grab a pint with his favorite mates at a pub in L.A. without the entire world knowing about it.

Crisis Calls For Family Unity

While no one could have predicted how the coronavirus (Covid-19) managed to flip the entire world upside down as one of the worst pandemics of recent history, it will definitely change the way people will be living their lives moving forward. And if there’s one thing that a crisis can do during uncertain times, it’s bring a family together. Even though Prince Harry has settled down in his new life with Meghan Markle in L.A., it’s without a doubt that the royal family could certainly use his help back at home to help. If there’s one thing that Prince Harry excels at, it’s his ability to connect with people and boost morale during uncertain times.

His Best Mates Back At Home

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Prince Harry has always been known as one of the most popular members of the royal family for a reason. That’s because of his ability to not only connect with the public, but also because of his warm demeanor, his great sense of humor and his down-to-earth attitude. He’s always had a close circle of friends back at home and while he has his celebrity friends in L.A., it’s just not the same. Prince Harry has the kind of deep connection with his childhood friends that he probably doesn’t have with someone like George Clooney.

The British Way Of Life

Sure, living in California has plenty of perks including the scenic Pacific Coast Highway, the glamour and glitz of Hollywood and the warm, almost perfect Southern California weather all year round. And while Prince Harry certainly isn’t complaining with the amount of sunshine he gets to enjoy in L.A, it’s without a doubt that he will miss the comforting sound, familiarity and mood of the London rain that he grew up with.

Sense Of Royal Duty And Responsibility

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While you can take a royal out of the palace, can you really take the palace out of a royal? That’s what many fans of the British monarchy can’t help but wonder when it comes to Prince Harry and his future. Yes, he’s building a new life and settling into a new lifestyle for him and his family. But seeing how he grew up with a sense of royal duty and responsibility, along with his very close ties to the British military, it might be very hard for him to completely close that chapter in his life for good. Thankfully, London will always be just one plane ride away.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the British Royal Family news right now. Come back here often for all the latest British Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    The only people who wants the idiot Harry boy is his celeb acquaintances he has no friends, them and their Netflix plus Spotify who wants him because of his name not for the garbage he and the diva mistress markle spoute to everyone

  • Jezz

    I don't think he is the popular prince he once was. His constant sitting in front of cameras lecturing to ordinary people whose lives he has no clue about. No one I have spoken to recently from the UK want him back. Lots of people now view him as Megan's dancing monkey. His actions this year have cost him his dignity and good reputation. He has cultivated an image of stupidity, wealth obsessed, hedonistic and nasisist behavior. If he had done as he said in the beginning and taken his family to live a quiet life people wouldn't have developed such a repulsion for him and his constant double standards and lies. Many in the UK think they are better off without him. They have William and Kate so if his privileged royal life wasn't good enough good riddance.

  • Guest

    I think if Harry had married some blonde haired blue eyed commoner , a dark haired fair skinned girl like Kate. None of you would be saying five words about him. But he married Meghan and it rubs you guys the wrong way and we all know why.Which is why I say that the same ugly things that plague the USA, I don’t have to spell it out. Are apparently not completely escaped by someone who looks like Meghan in England either.So England does as America has always done. Some things never change especially if you look like Meghan or darker….