Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Humiliation, Dumped As The Face Of Travalyst

British royal family news divulges that Prince Harry appears to have been dumped and snubbed by Travalyst, his own company which he launched in 2019.

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How much lower can this prince drop; Humpty Dumpty took a wee tumble compared to Dirty Harry’s freefall. Keep reading to learn the latest humiliation for the royal traitor.

Royal News: Harry’s Humiliation

Harry launched Travalyst in 2019 before he abandoned the monarchy. He formed the eco-conscious company with major players in the travel industry like including, Tripadvisor, and Skyscanner.

Travalyst is another one of Harry’s ‘rules are for thee not me’ hypocrite vanity projects. That’s because the company exists to tell other people how to travel, ie, without destroying the planet like Harry does.

According to Newsweek Harry’s own company appears ashamed to be associated with him as it recently updated a climate change project with a new board of directors. They left its founding father off the announcement and gave him zero recognition.

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Royal News: Harry’s Snub

To put this snub in perspective, “For three years, Harry was the public face of the project, even during a period in which he was repeatedly accused of climate hypocrisy over his use of private jets.”

According to the outlet and the group’s website “The founding principle is that aviation, and tourism as a whole, could become unviable industries if the sector cannot meet emissions targets aimed at tackling global warming.”

Harry the Gross Polluter was omitted from the group’s major announcement while “two press releases posted on the nonprofit’s website in 2023 both demoted Harry to a single reference in the “About Travalyst” blurb at the bottom.” Ouch.

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Royal News: Harry Omitted From Own Website

Newsweek reports that Harry “undoubtedly remains committed to the project” and may be in regular contact with the chief executive and board of directors. Yet he is nowhere to be seen as the face of, let alone the founder of, the company.

When contacted by Newsweek, Travalyst and Sussexes reps declined to comment on the reporting.

Commenters however had plenty to say with one writing “Harry is of no interest to the vast majority of people–and he is the epitome of hypocrisy when he does shoot of his big ignorant mouth” with another noting “people know he and Markle are no-talent expletive grifters and haven’t finished the projects they already got money for, so, no one is willing to even look at anything they are doing.”

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Editorial credit: ACHPF /

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