Royal Family News: Prince Philip Fled Sandringham The Day Of Megxit Rather Than Look At Defiant Prince Harry

British royal family news reveals that on the day of Megxit Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh fled the Sandringham estate in order to avoid confronting his defiant grandson Prince Harry Duke of Sussex. That day the family was called together to hash out how Prince Harry would divorce his family after rejecting them for a life of, “financial freedom,” in the US.

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Prince Harry and his American wife Meghan Markle did not want to remain in the UK and perform the royal duty, they only wanted the royal titles and none of the work associated with it. They are now living large in California and conducting themselves like royalty although their popularity rating has plummeted.

According to expert Ingrid Seward, Prince Philip was unable to fathom why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle snubbed the country and his family so publicly and declaratively.

It Has Been Suggested That Prince Philip Wanted To Help Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Acclimate To Royal Life

According to Seward the Duke of Edinburgh tried to help the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after their marriage but apparently to no avail. She told the Royally Obsessed podcast: “The only thing I know is that when Prince Harry came to Sandringham for that summit, the final meeting in January, as soon as Harry arrived, or as soon as the summit was about to start, Prince Philip left the house.”

She contends that “I’m absolutely certain he saw Harry before that. He would’ve wanted to help Harry because he got on with him very well.”

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“But he just cannot, and will not, understand how someone can just give that all up and go and live a life of a celebrity in North America.”

Why Did Harry Flee His Home Country For A Life In Hollywood?

Seward thinks that Philip’s difficulty understanding the pair’s disenchantment was accentuated by his own incredible sacrifice as a member of the royal family. Philip gave up a thriving military career when his wife Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne.

Of Harry, she said, “He had everything going for him. He has a beautiful wife, a beautiful home, a healthy, lovely child, the adoration of a lot of people, the ability to do what he wanted. All his military appointments and Harry had it all.”

All of this abundance and still not being happy led Philip to not, “understand how Harry could think it wasn’t enough.”

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She explained, “And Philip himself gave up everything for duty, he gave up a career in the Royal Navy which he was absolutely destined to get to the top. He gave up everything because of the fact his wife was becoming Queen and he can’t understand why Meghan couldn’t just support Harry.”

You’re not alone Philip, much of the world is wondering the exact same thing.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Philip can leave the world a man of honor but Harry has a lot of reckoning to do.