Royal Family News: Prince Philip Sounded The Alarm, Warned Others About Meghan Markle?

British royal family news shows that there is no love lost between the Brits and royal runaways Meghan Markle and Prince Harry (excuse us, the Duke and Duchess of Excess). Two years ago they dumped his family and the monarchy in a stunning move known as Megxit. It was as bold as it was brash, and they may never outrun the toxic cloud they left in their wake.

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Now one royal watcher, Christopher Andersen who wrote the book Brothers and Wives: Inside the Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry and Meghan, claims that the late Prince Philip saw the writing on the wall long before the outside world got a glimpse of the new and improved Cali Markle’s.

The Markle’s Are Large And In Charge in California

It’s been reported that the thirsty pair alerted the world to their dissatisfaction via Instagram at the same time of the royal family found out. Not cool.

The royals were apparently blindsided and it would not be the last time the Markle’s trashed the fam. It comes as no surprise that Queen Elizabeth was reportedly, “greatly displeased by the manner in which “Megxit” unfolded.” But according to The Hollywood Gossip, “Elizabeth’s reaction was quite mild when compared to her husband’s.”

Megxit Was A Brash Move

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Excerpts from Andersen’s book were aired this week by UK publication The Mirror. The book claims that Prince Philip was, “furious, deeply hurt, spitting blood,” when he heard what disloyal Harry and Meghan wrought.

According to the book, Philip was an early defender of Meghan’s. But later he apparently said, “It appears as if, we were wrong about her all along.”

Years later, “Meghan is now being accused of distracting attention away from the Duke of Edinburgh on the day he was laid to rest. Royal commentator Daniela Elser has accused Meghan of leaking details of the funeral to the press, including specifics about the wreath that she and Harry sent to the funeral.”

Andersen also claims that Harry’s dad Prince Charles was also livid about the announcement.

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Was Charles Livid?

According to the book, Charles’ reaction to the Megxit statement was “frightening.” Charles, “allegedly had a heated phone conversation with Harry after the announcement, in which he told his youngest son to, ‘try and fix this.’” We all know how that request turned out.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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