Royal Family News: Prince William Displeased Meghan Markle Demands To Be Called Duchess Of Sussex

Royal Family News: Prince William Displeased That Meghan Demands To Be Called Duchess Of SussexBritish royal family news shows that Prince William might be unhappy about his sister-in-law Meghan Markle’s incessant use of the title she was gifted after marrying his brother Prince Harry in 2018. Especially after she trashed the fam to Oprah Winfrey and a worldwide audience. Why does Meghan demand she be called the Duchess of Sussex? Well, what else does she have?

AMP in the post

Royal commentator Neil Sean addressed William’s possible irritation on his Youtube channel, suggesting that the future king is unhappy with the former cable actress flashing her royal title when speaking in a private capacity.

Meghan Markle Is Delusional?

Sean said of Meghan’s insistence on being called a Duchess, “This has really become a big hot potato. It all really stems from the fact the one-time royal Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex recently gave an interview to Gloria Steinem for a glossy magazine.” Meghan nattered on as usual, and threatened to go to “Washington, DC” with Gloria.

As Sean explains, “It’s all about the Roe v Wade debate. But, as ever, once an associated member of the British Monarchy comes forward and starts getting into that political arena, it can become damaging.”

“According to a very good source, and as ever we have to say allegedly, Prince William is unhappy once again at having to work through the mire of what these particular associations mean.”

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Prince William Is Irked?

According to Express, “The royal commentator claimed the Duke of Cambridge is concerned about former working members of the Royal Family stealing away the focus from the cause he and other senior royals are trying to promote.”

He added, “And it throws up the problem once again of the use of royal and associated titles.” For example, “How can Prince William stop his causes from being overshadowed by someone who is simply not a working member of the monarchy but still using her titles?”

“A source close to Prince William tells me this will be a radically different situation should and when he is in a position to do something about it.”

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Meghan Markle Is Not Royal

Back in 2020 Meghan seemed to oppose former US President Donald Trump and favor Joe Biden in the presidential election. At that time she was caught cold-calling US politicians and making demands. Stay classy Megs.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Linda
    • Lysa Abbey

      The Royals. Meghan choosing to use her Title. That is all. I think the whole sad Circus, a Monarchy of make believe “blue blood”, supported by the people of England.
      I like the saying that if you make it a big deal, it will be a big deal. If you don’t make it a big deal, it won’t be. I’m bemused at how much energy and drama Harry getting married and moving his family to America generated , and his beautiful wife who seems to be too sophisticated and glamorous for the envious William. Yes, they WILL be more popular. They ARE the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They ARE Americans.
      So pretend you are the RF and they escaped, and everyone in and out of the Circus, get over yourself and leave them alone.

      • Tracy

        I think William problem is more that they said bad things about the family. And because Harry and Megan are Americans what does that have anything to do with it.

      • Angela

        Meghan herself stated to Oprah that “titles aren’t important to me. We simply want to be an ordinary couple.”
        So what’s it to be?
        They wanted out of the spotlight because Harry found it very “stressful”, causing his anxiety to “skyrocket”, his terminology.
        They want to be non-royal, they don’t want anything to do with the RF.
        I think we all can agree, when we see children given a gift, then turn around and complain about said gift, those children are called ‘selfish’ and ‘spoiled’, along with similar words.
        Therefore, we public have every right to question these public “ordinary” people what their modus operandi is.

        • Laura

          Excuse me Angela but they are still Royals especially Harry, they are NON WORKING ROYALS,BIG difference wouldn’t u say?

      • Laura

        Thank you! Finally someone else has stepped forward and asking for some class in American reporting, I could be wrong but the British press seems very prejudice and gossipy and it’s sad that fthe so called legitimate reporters seem to be following suit.

    • Kathleen Duke

      I will be most delighted to call and refer to Meghan Markle as “Dutch-ass” anytime!!! And I consider Harry “Har-reap” as in “you reap what you sow”, and later on (if not already) “Har-regret”! I’m in the USA… we don’t want them here and the UK doesn’t want them either. He’s going to become a spoiled brat without a country!

      • Patricia

        He has gotten what he deserves. He’s trashed his family, An he goes to the UN an trashed America. That does not to come out of his mouth again. If they ever run our of money, they will see who will not help them. Find another country please.

  • Guest

    No. Harry is a prince by birth. Meghan is nothing. Since they withdrew from the royal family their duke and dutchess title should be too.

    • Sally Davis

      Seriously…if you recall, Wallis Simpson – the wife of exiled King Edward VII – was referred to as the Duchess of Windsor until the day she died and she was not a working royal (she was the catalyst that scandalized the monarchy in 1936). Cease the vitriol. Who really cares what Meghan and Harry are doing? Stop nitpicking and just ignore them.

  • Guest

    She wants nothing to do with the royals
    So no definitely not
    She’s a spoiled brat

  • Guest

    I think this is getting ridiculous. With all the problems in the world whether Megan is a duchess or not isn’t one of them. If you’re going to be king someday William, you need to start acting like a bigger person now!

  • Guest

    Everything should be taken away and watch them do nothing have nothing and still be upset someone asking about skin color. Nobody cares about skin color. Despicable people. Don’t represent the
    Monarchy or America. They are in the same boat as Trump and the rest of the rich or in their case temporarily rich people. Go away stay away.

  • Guest

    Absolutely not!

  • Guest

    You can put a fake in a tiara but it's still a fake.

  • Guest

    Yes she should. For example women who divorce or who are widows are still considered Mrs. so what is the difference she gained her title with her marriage. It is hers forever.

  • Guest

    The palace giveth and the palace taketh away. Please.

  • Guest

    No, unless she is willing to be a true Royal, live in the Royal family and follow the Royal protocol. She and Harry gave up that right when they blasted the family and decided to move and go their own way

  • Guest

    That's such a loser wannabee obnoxious thing to do.

  • Guest

    It is still her title just as it is for Sarah and Wallis Simpson.

  • Guest

    No way she doesn't deserve it!

  • Guest

    Megan is a coat tail rider… she will forever keep the dust stirred…

  • Guest

    Harry didn’t give her the title … the Queen did. She has no rights to that title. None.

  • Guest

    What a joke.! Should Prince Andrew have a title. He is the one accused of child sex trafficking. Meghan is worthy of the title. She married a Price, his brother. I view the monarchy as a racist institution.

  • Guest

    No. They quit the family business. She is not a royal.

  • JB

    Let her have it. Who cares? I’m sure the only reason behind it is because…please correct me if I’m wrong. By denouncing the royal family and all it entails, doesn’t that go for their kids too? Cuz if that’s the case, all she did was ruin their future by taking that silver spoon out of their mouths. Harry’s Mom or Mum, drew up the blue print for going against the grain of the “royal family protocol” but did it with class, style, and grace. Harry’s wife needs to follow that blueprint. Don’t get me wrong. She could never fill Princess Di’s shoes, but she could at least follow the example she set. Instead of acting like a spoiled, self entitled, little…(The word i would use, starts with the 2nd letter of the alphabet, and it’s not brat, or baby!)

  • Guest

    Absolutely not. She shows no regard or appreciation for the rules but wants all the benefits.

  • Guest

    Big No

  • Guest

    No, Harry will always be a prince and Megan will never be a duchess, she will just be Megan the Royal rocker.

  • Guest

    It is NOT hers forever….do your research

  • Guest

    Actually no it’s not…do your research

  • Bobbie Gorden


  • Guest

    They walked away from the Monarchy and titles do not go with them. They just want the perks and can't have it that way. Why did Harry marry her?

  • Guest

    From the outside looking in, it seems as if Meghan has a chip on her shoulder and is intent on bringing down the Royal family all on her own. She should be happy with a loving husband and two precious children and keep her private life private. Sad really.

    • Patricia

      She is whining to Harry, an gets her way. They don’t do anything but spend money.

  • Guest

    No, and why should she? No work no credit! I thought they gave up their titles in the split! However he was born with titles and just because he made a bad choice doesn't mean he should be stripped of his. She should have to work to keep hers.

  • Guest

    Simply no

  • Guest

    No !!! No !!! No !!!

  • Guest

    Absolutely NOT

  • Guest

    Absolutely not

  • Guest

    Not unless she’s doing the job. Just take the title away that should do it.

  • Guest

    Absolutely not! She has disgraced the Royal family!

  • Guest

    She is a narcissistic!!

  • Guest

    Megalomaniac has always been and always will be nothing more than a gold digging media wh*re….

  • Guest

    Hell NO

  • Guest

    Absolutely not, she’s not a working Royal, a commoner living in California, if she wants that title then go back and work for it.

  • Guest

    Why would she want a title from a family she claims is racist? She and Harry badmouthed the Royal Family on National TV and stepped down as working Royals. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • Guest

    I'm sorry I disagree with you completely. The Royal Family has been around for over a 1,000.00 years and would be a terrible situation for many Country's who depend on them for just about everything. Megan since meeting Prince Harry has used him and his family to try and gain her own popularity because that is what she needs "attention and praise". She isn't a Royal at heart only in name and she is only abusing the Title she was given for her own personal wealth. Megan isn't stupid she knows exactly what she has done and is still doing and will continue to do. So yes I differently agree with Prince William that if she isn't working for the Royal Family and isn't helping the Royal Family she needs that Title removed and since Harry has showed the same lack of Family love and love for his own people then yes his Title should be taken away also.

    • Virginia

      I agree, both should have their titles removed. The Royal Family isn’t racist, that’s Megan getting attention. Harry should be ashamed.

  • Guest

    Their titles have nothing to do with being an “active royal” or not. When they left, the Queen allowed them to keep their hereditary titles as the dukedom passes to Archie and he could come back into the fold if he chooses to later.

    Her title of Duchess is simply because she is married to a Duke. She is as entitled to it as she is her married last name or the honorific “Mrs”. Full stop.

    If Prince William is mad about it, then he can petition for the family line to no longer have the dukedom. Or I guess keep being a little bitch about it to those around him so he sounds like a whiny spoiled brat. The same as anyone angry that people are using the titles they were told to use.

    How much was this site paid to keep churning out articles that criticize Meghan? Why does she live rent free in so many peoples heads? You guys seem… ….obsessed. It’s not a good look.

    And where are the articles about Andrew, if you guys are so Royal focused…I can’t seem to find them. (It might be me, lol) I think his behavior is far worse and he is a royal by birth. Let’s focus there shall we?

    • Isis

      So when can we expect to see the latest on Prince Andrew’s woes? How about getting an exclusive on William’s mistress, the exfriend of Kate’s. Who have the tea about the Black Queen, Queen Charlotte…asking for a friend that is so tired of the bullcrap of small minded needy people that need to look big making others look small.

  • Guest

    You bet! Had they not been so keen on judging her, so quickly they might have seen as good for the crown & PR.The popularity she received was just to much for the other royals !..Overshadowing them is not their forte❗❗Just Saying.

  • Guest

    She is a Royal like I am a astronaut!

  • Guest

    She has as much right as the step mother has to ever be the queen. That so called woman is no one to look up to or admire.

  • Guest

    No!!! She’s about as royal as I Am

  • Guest

    No way. She doesn’t deserve a title

  • Guest

    Absolutely not

  • Guest

    She stepped away from the Royal family and doing so should take the title. It was her choice. Im sure Harry is right about it being extra strict in the firm, everyday of your life. They chose to do their own life and I love their bravery, but you can't do both I suppose. The Queen makes the decisions that she has to according to the rules. She is a magnificent Queen and dedicated her whole life to it.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    No. Harry was born a Prince. He will always be a Prince. His grandmother is the Queen for crying out loud! His dad is going to be a King when the Queen dies (long live the Queen) Harry will never not be a Prince. They don’t want to be part of the royals? Fine, leave your (literally) Queen given titles on the table and see yourselves out. But even when he leaves his Dukedom behind, he will STILL be a Prince and she will go back to be nothing. You want to be HRH? Act like a Duchess. But you can eat your cake and have it too. This woman single handed tore the Royal Palace apart from the inside out! She’s a disgusting disgrace to the crown and Harry is blinded to her wickedness. Hopefully he will wake up someday and realize what he has let her do to him and his family.

  • Guest

    Unless Parliament raises hell or the Queen issues Letters Patent, Meghan, will, until divorce or death, will forever be known as Her Royal Highness Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

    • Rhonda Horton

      Actually, the Queen did tell them that they can’t use HRH

  • Guest

    No Way

  • Guest


  • Guest


  • Guest

    No, but what do I know?

  • Guest

    No She gave up her Royal rights! And moved to America! She can’t play both sides.

  • Guest

    No she is not royalty. She does not care for the English population so should not have a title. She only cares about her own ego. There are others that are true royals and could have the title and be deserving

  • Guest

    Not a working Royal at all, wanted completely out & gave up the Royal life & the UK moving to another country then of course no. She doesn't deserve a title at all. You can't have your cake & eat it too.

  • Linda

    Harry has blown it. Most people are tired of hearing about Megan Markle. She is the downfall of Harry’s life. She thought she would be able to flaunt herself as real royalty, but she has crashed. Hey Harry, grow a backbone and acquaint yours lf with reality. Shame on you for bringing reproach to you family-especially your grandmother. Quit letting THAT woman you took for a wife and tell her to hit the road. Tie down financial support, and watch her flee. She will never make it as a top actress or maybe any kind of actress.
    What a colossal mess yo have made, Harry. She loves any kind of press and wants to be a queen, heaven help us. Thank goodness, that isn’t possible in their realm.

  • Caroline Kisela

    If Harry wants to be American, they need to ditch their titles. The need to make up their minds and stop playing musical chairs.

  • Marva Daye

    You all need to stay out of their business. KATE is not royal either. SHE is just white. That is the only difference and she has had a number of babies. SHE is no better than Megan. WILLIAM is no better than Harry.