Royal Family News: Prince William Furious About Prince Harry’s Diana Tribute And Charles Snub?

British royal family news reveals that Montecito based Prince Harry’s latest PR stunt could be received rather coolly by his brother Prince William, the only one of their late mother Princess Diana’s sons who has her back apparently.

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What has Hollyweird Harry done? In addition to partnering with Netflix, the streamer who is trashing his mom as a crazed and unstable woman, he just used her image to sell his latest venture. Shy he is not.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Has No Shame?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle posted a gaudy “tribute” to their mothers on their Archewell website, at the same time snubbing their fathers in a most remarkably brazen way.

Royal watcher Phil Dampier author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told the Daily Mail that William could be “worried” about the 2021 letter Harry and his wife posted in an attempt to proclaim their mom love and dad hate. Spoiler alert: reading it could trigger insulin spikes.

Their saccharine letter reads: “I am my mother’s son. And I am our son’s mother. Together we bring you Archewell. We believe in the best of humanity. Because we have seen the best of humanity. We have experienced compassion and kindness, From our mothers and strangers alike. In the face of fear, struggle and pain, It can be easy to lose sight of this. Together, we can choose courage, healing, and connection. Together, we can choose to put compassion in action. We invite you to join us. As we work to build a better world, One act of compassion at a time.”

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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Has a Funny Sense of Humor?

“I think William will be slightly worried if Harry uses Diana for any of his charitable or commercial ventures without consulting him, and I don’t think he would be happy if Harry appears to be exploiting his mother’s iconic status,” Dampier said.

Then there is the epic “snub” of their father, Prince Charles, in the letter.

“It’s also very significant that Harry called himself his ‘mother’s son’ but has made no mention of Prince Charles,” according to Dampier. “William is very much following now in his father’s footsteps with his environmental and conservation work. And although Harry has praised his father in the past, it seems odd not to mention him more and work in conjunction with him, rather than separately.”

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  • Jezz

    It's very concerning Harry is feeling the need to mirror and adopt Megan's style and approach to family relationships. Does he even have a mind of his own now?Diana was a wonderful woman and had a genuine love for people. She used her popularity to help others, she didn't do interviews insulting people with accusations and lecturing on what thought was their flaws like Harry and Megan are doing. Unfortunately Diana emotionally fragile and vulnerable did not make the best romantic choices . So yes, Harry is definitely his mother's son when it comes to harmful and poor romantic choices. Her use of the media resulted in her untimely death. I actually worry for Harry and his son's safety because sadly Harry's poor choices and actions are very reminiscent of Diana's later, tragic final years. This has all the ingredients for disaster. If I was Harry's family I might be angry with him but I would more worried. Oprah, is a wonderful tv presenter but she's not a therapist and Harry obviously needs proper, professional medical care. His wife obviously doesn't have his best interests at heart if she did she would be encouraging Harry to maintain a healthy relationship with his family, not add pressure to his fragile mental state with unnecessary family arguments. If Harry was my husband I would not be pushing to perform like a dancing monkey, signing up big media companies, arguing, alienating himself from his loved ones. I would be getting him medical help and rest to heal.

  • Guest

    I think this if bullshit from the MediaThe royal family do not ever comment…Wish everyone would give the poor Meg and Harry a break…No one know them so how can we judge…How about a bit of love and kindness isnt their enough heartache in the world without dishing it out to 2 people that just wanted to live a life they wanted…I would not like the constraints of the Royal family, Diana didnt and neither did Harry or Megan…Shame on anyone judging them…Let the one with no sin cast the first stone…No one is perfect for God sakes give them a break

  • Guest

    You sound like a mad man. How do you know it’s not a mutual understanding between to two.

  • Guest

    Shows what type of mentality the asshole has listening to his mistress again deserted her family and was determined to destroy his