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And while it might seem like some of the damage is irreparable, Prince William certainly knows that the royal family is in crisis and that he must do something in order to save the monarchy. As the future face of the monarchy, the Duke of Cambridge knows there is a lot resting on his shoulders right now and that’s why we’ve got three things he needs to do below.
Remain Calm And Carry On
If there’s anything that we’ve learned from Queen Elizabeth, it’s that a dignified silence can certainly go a long way. Prince William recently went on the record to say that the royals are “very much not a racist family,” which of course, can be interpreted several different ways, according to critics. Some people believe it’s best for Prince Charles and Prince William to remain calm and carry on knowing that this media storm will pass by sooner rather than later.
The Royal Family Needs To Move Forward From Its Past
If there’s one thing you can’t do, it’s erase memories, photos, articles, posts, and social media accounts that are dedicated to everything that you’ve said, done, and even worn in the past. For the Royal Family, trying to distance themselves from their checkered past won’t be easy, but it is also something they most definitely need to do in order to move on from this crisis. The only way that can be done is if Prince William shows the world that he is a modern royal who is willing to learn and of course, prove that he’s not like his ancestors. Fixing things with his sister-in-law Meghan would certainly do that.
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Healing This Family Rift Would Make The Best PR
While it doesn’t look like this is going to happen anytime soon, the best thing that both Prince William and Prince Harry could do is show the world the power of forgiveness. Sure, there were probably a lot of things that William said that didn’t go down too well with Harry and certainly, William is not pleased with his brother and sister-in-law throwing him under the bus in front of the entire world. But with that said, what family doesn’t get into fights and dust ups? Knowing everything that they’ve gone through in their lives, we have a feeling that Prince William and Prince Harry will manage to mend this relationship once again. Watch this space.
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I am all for forgiveness but when trust is broken to this extent it's difficult to mend. Even if William mends this rift how can he ever relax in his brothers company ever again. Can he ever trust Harry to be an adult and keep personal family matters private? If given the opportunity will Harry just be keeping a mental note of private family matters that could be used for future publicity. The world doesn't need to hear their personal problems, which would have been much easier to solve had they not been dragged out in public. In my opinion Harry now seems like he is never going to be satisfied, he wanted to leave the UK and step down, now he's suddenly realized the reality of the privacy he said wanted and he's doing the very same sort of media which lead up to his mother's death. Perhaps William should send Christmas and birthday cards and leave it at that for everyone's sake. Let's focus on the sick and poor and not be sidetracked by people who can afford good healthcare and change their lifestyle if it doesn't suit. Harry and Megan are better left to enjoy the private life they wanted in the US. William and Harry don't need to be involved in each other's family business anymore Harry has his life, family and business in the US and William has his family and duties to UK and Commonwealth. Fall outs don't have to be this spiteful. It may be best for both families just to go their own seperate ways.
Een gebroken draad is heel moeilijk of niet te herstellen. Het is niet Harry maar de filmster die roet in het eten gooit. Want zo kennen wij Harry niet.
Why save it? Let it go!
I think Harry and Megan are very selfish people. Being from the U.S. I am a really big fan of the royal family. I feel Megan if she was having problems should have just gone and gotten help. No one was tying her down she went shopping and other things so why say she couldn't do other things. I am not a big fan of Megan's and feel she should have kept her mouth shout. They have moved away from the royal family but feel they should have the same benefits as if they were there. I think the Queen should take there titles away because I think they want to usel them for profit. They sure didn't take long to cash in on selling them she for profit. I just think they are both very immature and selfish and don't care who they hurt. I would love to be half as wealthy as they are. But I would never sell myself the way they did.
I think both Harry and Megan need to grow up and get on with their financial independence. Do what they want to do and leave the Royals alone. Queen needs to strip them of their titles. Charles needs to stop giving money. William I feel Harry is lost to him now just let him go and let him work on his financial independence. I feel Meghan is using all the problems is so you can’t go back at her because you are picking on her. They are lost to the Royals now so just let them go and pay no attention to them as at the end of the day the are losing more than what you are losing.
I think Megan had an agenda from the day she found out Archibald is not entitled to a Title. I don't believe anything she says now and she has brought Harry in now to do as much damage as they can. My heart does always will be with the Queen and her family who have her back. What Harry did was despicable, although he never mentioned names he has set markers in people's heads to think the worst. He knows he's not entitled to his medals now why moan about it. He's made all these choices but wants to bring everyone in the Royal family down. Its a disgrace.
Harry needs to go England visit his grandfather and work on his family relationships and his own pr.
I think the Royal Family should just ignore Harry and his wife. They are just trying to get attention. At least the wife is. Prince William should support his Grandmother and just keep quiet.
Harry is an untrustworthy and unpredictable persona a this time.
Did you listen to the interview? I had some opinons from listening to snippets before I had a chance to really watch it. I changed after I heard the whole thing. Harry said he didn't want to step down. Neither did Megan want him to or leave her position of public service. He wanted to work as a royal and he wanted to live in the commonwealth. Who ever makes the decision took everything away from him. The firm refused security for his son, refused to help Megan and/or Harry when they asked for it. They took all the charities and causes away from him. They basically disinherited him and almost disowned him. I don't think the Queen did it. (an opinion) Also in the interview Harry refused to reveal who was worried about how dark Archie's skin would be. His worry that the media that hounded his mother and lead to her death was happening to him and Megan and would do harm to his family. Megan was already in a desperate place. So it isn't all about privacy in the way the media has shown it. It was about safety and mental health.
Well for the palace to remain silent after they have lied and perpetuated lies that directly impacted Meghan both mentally and threatened their security just proves they are heartless, inhumane and toxic. It's still hurtful to even me how they have treated Harry who is of royal blood as they would say and then his wife who has a son that is also born into royalty via Harry. They have crossed a line that never should have been crossed. To change the convention right before Archie was born so he would not have a title in which would also strip him of security coverage, to make statements about his skin tone when I'm sure that is not a conversation about the other births is just hurtful, vile and racist. Just because William says they are not racist doesn't make it true because their actions prove otherwise. Harry and Meghan remained silent all this time because of palace protocols all while receiving death threats and being attacked in the tabloids while prince Andrew is living a life of peace and calm even thou he's a pedophile. The treatment is just full of hypocrisy to say the least. Meghan was never given a chance even when she became suicidal and for that how can they sit back and ignore what they have done. Harry and his family were in CANADA a commonwealth country living in a house that the world knew about then to o immediately have security pulled away, financial support pulled away left as sitting ducks. Thank God Tyler Perry offered a place of refuge.