Royal Family News: Prince William Is Just a Normal Guy Who Likes To Make Tea

British royal family reveals that Kate Middleton’s family adores her husband, Prince William. According to her uncle Gary Goldsmith, William is a normal guy who blended seamlessly into the Middleton clan.

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Goldsmith is the brother of Kate Middleton’s mother Carole. He recently spilled some tea about the couple, and one can relax, it was nothing like the crude and rude manner of dishing that Prince Harry has done about his family.

Royal Family News – Prince William Is a Normal Guy

He told 60 Minutes Australia that meeting William was surreal: “I walked through the front door of the family home there’s Kate cooking supper and William making a cup of tea, all the family mooching round.”

“William said. ‘hello I’m William,’ I said, ‘hello I’m Gary.’ It was just like meeting a normal bloke, he was a normal part of the family, which was a bit bonkers. That’s Prince William and he was just making a cup of tea.”

Royal Family News – Kate Middleton Has a Great Sense Of Humor

Gary added that the first time he heard William and Kate were dating, “Well I got the phone call, I was in a board meeting, and Carole phoned me to say this might be happening and I was sworn to secrecy. The conversation was, ‘you what,’ seriously I can’t believe this is a real thing. The first thing you do even though you’re sworn to secrecy is told your best mates.”

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An ebullient Goldsmith said, “I told them I think I’m gonna be uncle to a queen of country.”

According to Goldsmith Kate has a “devilish and wicked sense of humor,” and was, “born ready to be Queen. It’s a modern version of the royal family we know, I think she’s perfect for that role. Obviously, I’m a bit biased but wouldn’t Kate and William be great at it.”

Royal Family News – Kate Will Be Queen Consort

Goldsmith is not alone in his assessment of Kate and William’s fit for the throne. The couple is beloved in the UK and many royal watchers have been vocal in their opinion that William should be the next king, not his father Charles.

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Gobsmacked Goldsmith went on to say, “I’ll be like a baby when Kate becomes Queen. She’s someone to be super proud of, she’s nicer on the inside than the outside, she’s a beautiful soul.”

And lest one think that Kate’s repertoire is limited to queen-like behavior, “She’s very domestic and very good at cooking, she’s almost like the girl next door with a wicked sense of humor that happens to have a very important role,” according to Goldsmith.

He’s biased, but he’s backed by legions of loyal Kate fans who can’t wait to see her become queen consort.

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