Royal Family News: Prince William Speaks Out To Condone The BBC’s Investigation Into Its Controversial Princess Diana Interview

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British royal family news drops the bombshell that Prince William Duke of Cambridge has finally broken his silence over the jaw-dropping ethics claims about an explosive BBC interview with his mother.

The alleged tactics used to procure an interview with William’s late mother Princess Diana are being examined in an investigation which William has come out to say is a “step in the right direction.”

Royal Family’s Prince William added that the look into Martin Bashir’s Panorama interview with Princess Diana, “should help establish the truth.”

Royal Family News: Particulars Regarding The BBC’s 1995 Panorama Interview With Princess Diana Are Being Investigated

Kensington Palace released a statement saying that William welcomed the investigation: “The independent investigation is a step in the right direction. It should help establish the truth behind the actions that led to the Panorama interview and subsequent decisions taken by those in the BBC at the time.”

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William was a teen away at school when the interview aired. In it, Diana dropped bomb after bomb about William’s father Prince Charles and the state of their marriage. Among other things, she claimed Charles was not fit to be king. She also divulged that both had engaged in affairs while married.

William Has Stated That “The Independent Investigation” Into Diana’s BBC Interview Is A Step In The Right Direction

The statement went on, “It should help establish the truth behind the actions that led to the Panorama interview and subsequent decisions taken by those in the BBC at the time,” according to ITV news.

The BBC appointed a high-profile British judge, Lord Dyson, to get to the bottom of the investigation and learn if Bashir’s bosses covered any of his indiscretions up. The BBC approved his appointment on Tuesday after new channel director General Tim Davie ordered an independent investigation into reports that Bashir mislead and lied to Diana in order to gain her confidence and obtain his 1995 exclusive interview.

Lord Dyson is a former Master of the Rolls and has served as a Justice of the Supreme Court. He stated that he will begin his inquiry right away starting with BBC staff and accessing their records.

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Prince William Condones The BBC’s Investigation Into Controversial Princess Diana Interview

Dyson made it a point to vow that Bashir himself would be subject to a “thorough and fair,” inquiry after stunning allegations emerged over Bashir’s conduct including the claim that he falsified two bank statements.

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  • Guest

    Hopefully he gets what he's looking for. But no one forced Diana to say what she did.