Royal Family News: Prince William Worried Brother Harry Will Go Too Far

British Royal news reveals as Prince Harry continues taking jabs at the royal family, a royal insider and friend to Prince William are worried that tensions between the brothers are rising and that Prince William is becoming “greatly concerned” that his younger brother Prince Harry will “go too far”.

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The Royal Family Is Dreading The Next Round Of Prince Harry’s Truth Bombs

The Cambridges’ are on damage control, working harder than ever to minimize the impact of Prince Harry’s recent revelations, made through the docuseries the Duke of Sussex co-created with Oprah Winfrey.

The Me You Can’t See currently has six episodes on AppleTV+, and already it is the most-watched show on the streaming service since its debut, with more forthcoming. If the first few episodes are anything to judge by, then the royal family should really brace themselves for the whirlwind that’s yet to come.

Harry, 36, has used the mental health series and other interviews as a platform to tell the world of all that’s been aching him, from accusing the royal family — or at least an unknown member of it — of racism, to tell the world that Prince Charles is a bad parent who didn’t raise him right.

The Cambridges and the rest of the royal family have been quiet in the face of these revelations, and apart from Prince William affirming that the royal family is “very much not a racist family”, the Sussexes have pretty much had the playing ground to themselves.

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While the Cambridges are busy shying away from any public altercation and trying their best to manage the situation, Prince Harry keeps coming at them with priceless headlines. With more episodes of The Me You

Can’t See coming up, you wouldn’t blame the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for being a little worried about what form Prince Harry’s upcoming “truth bombs” will take.

According to reports, Prince William is concerned that his brother will only keep damaging his relationship with the royal family. A friend also revealed that William is dreading the next round of “truth bombs” that Harry may be revealing in the coming days.

Royal Family News – Harry Discusses His Family in Mental Health Series

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The Duke of Sussex has recently made headlines by spilling on his life within the royal family and what motivated him and Meghan Markle to leave the royal family. In the mental health documentary, he revealed that he’d struggled as a kid growing in the public eye, especially after his mother passed away, and that he’d distasted the idea of being a prince for a long time.

Check Celebrating The Soaps for daily royal family news and Prince Harry updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    I really don’t know what to say, other than to Harry. Search your soul to see if this really the way you want to go….at some point there will be no return. Is that what you really want? Spilling family secrets out to the whole world is a bad move, serves no purpose and closes doors.

  • Guest

    helmajoywould like the royal family admit mental health was a problem and lets learn from this and move on for the future and stop the reporters talking the fake news

  • M. Payton

    The thing is that everybody in the world has mental health issues at one point or another to deal with, it is not just the royal family that has issues in life. All problems in a family need to be solved *in the family* not broadcasted by an inmature angry person hell bent on just marketing this to make money…..Let the royal family and all families deal withe their issues in the home and not on social media where outsiders have no idea of the truth of the issues.

  • Guest

    I think it’s time the Queen, dispose of Markle’s fear, and take away her Duchess title. No more worries! Problems solved. She and Harry will lose momentum if the Queen takes her title.

  • Guest

    I feel Harry is using the “mental health “ stage to air his dirty laundry.
    If he really disliked the magazine hounds STOP inviting them to your door.
    Ok Harry dislikes the Firm, has left the Firm. The Queen SHOULD strip the titles of him and Megan. They will still be family but without pressure to preform.
    Really tired of his whining and if people want to help with mental health issues please check into WOUNDED WARRIORS and other organizations that want to help normal people that will appreciate the help.