Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth And Prince Philip Have Been Inoculated Against COVID

British royal family news reveals the groundbreaking news that both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh received the COVID-19 vaccine yesterday at Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom.

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Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were given their coronavirus vaccinations on Saturday. Because of their ages, the monarch is 94-years old and Prince Philip is 99-years old, they are considered to be at greater risk for the virus.

Royal Family News – Her Majesty Has Been Vaccinated Against Coronavirus

The news is extraordinary in the regard that the royal family is normally reticent to share any kind of medical news, as evidenced by the apparent reluctance of Prince William to acknowledge he had the virus this spring.
The Palace rarely comments on health issues regarding the royal family although it did confirm that Prince Charles contracted the virus this spring.

The palace noted that the shots were administered by a royal household doctor.

Royal Family News – Prince Philip Has Been Vaccinated Against Coronavirus

Prior to the announcement it was a source of great debate as to whether or not the palace would confirm the shots. Some thought it would reassure the nation while others thought the queen’s privacy came first.

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Now it is believed that the Queen herself wanted to publicly announce she and Prince Philip had been vaccinated in order to prevent speculation and misinformation.

To that end a Buckingham Palace spokesperson today stated, “The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have today received Covid-19 vaccinations.” They did not clarify which of the three current manufacturers of the vaccine was responsible for the shot the Queen and Prince Philip were given.

Royal Family News – The Palace Has Confirmed Vaccination News

The Pfizer and Oxford vaccine were approved for use last year and on Friday it was announced that the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine has been approved. The government has reportedly purchased an additional 10 million doses of the Moderna vaccine.

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The administration of the Pfizer and Oxford vaccines was increased to meet Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s target of inoculating all care-home patients by the end of this month. By Sunday 1,000 vaccination centers are expected to be open.

During her Christmas speech the Queen said: “This time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family members distanced for safety, when all they’d really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand.”

“If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.”

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