Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth Has No Intention Of Retiring And Eagerly Anticipates A COVID Vaccine

British royal family news divulges that there has been rampant speculation recently that Queen Elizabeth will retire next year when she turns 95, and hand over the reins to her son Prince Charles. In light of such gossip palace, aides have allegedly confirmed that there will be no such thing happening, that Her Majesty has every intention of continuing her reign, “for all of her life.”

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The Queen is the world’s longest-reigning monarch and she has said that she will remain on the throne for her lifetime. Of course, recent events have brought that vow into question—for everyone except the queen it would seem!

Her Majesty turns 95 in April, and her husband Prince Philip turns 100-years old in 2021. Neither are showing the slightest inclination that they are thinking of mothballs and slippers.

Queen Elizabeth Apparently Has No Intention Of Stepping Down

In spite of the coronavirus pandemic, her son Prince Andrew’s shameful exit from the monarchy, and her grandson Prince Harry’s shameless exit from the monarchy, Her Majesty is said to be, ‘keen to get back to normal,” as soon as possible.

According to the Express, she wants to return to a full spate of public royal duties next year once a COVID vaccine has been implemented.

In October Queen Elizabeth carried out her first royal duties since March when she and Prince William made a joint visit to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) at Porton Down near Salisbury.

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The Queen Is Looking Forward To An Immunization For Coronavirus

The queen did not wear a mask during that event and many royal commentators interpreted it as a message of hope to the public although just as many wondered in dismay why the queen was being reckless with her own health as well as flouting the rules of convention.

She did don a mask last week, for the first time in public, when she marked the centenary of the burial of the Unknown Warrior in a small private ceremony in Westminster Abbey. That ceremony was part of the family’s Remembrance Sunday observations and was not without controversy thanks to Harry the Fresh Prince of Montecito.

Prince Harry Managed To Sully An Otherwise Remarkable Remembrance Sunday

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In March Prince Harry merrily left the royal family and the UK for, “financial freedom.” He has not looked back except to call out his family for what he perceives as their un-woke, wrong actions. His request of them to place a wreath for him was denied and in retaliation, he stomped off to Los Angeles National Cemetery for a photo op among the graves.

For that PR stunt, he received another round of public criticism for his seemingly unending need to be perceived as a victim in his own self-sabotaged fairy tale.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    She is honorable she will serve till her dying day.