Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth Is Making Prince Charles Look Bad

Queen ElizabethBritish royal family news reveals that in just about every opinion poll Queen Elizabeth is always the most popular royal. In contrast, her successor and heir to the throne doesn’t exactly come out smelling like an English rose.

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Prince Charles is the queen’s eldest son and heir and now one royal expert is coming clean to Express about how his mom is making him look bad.

Queen Elizabeth Is A Popular Monarch

According to royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti, “It’s interesting because I’ve been keeping an eye occasionally on the surveys that YouGov do about the popularity of the royals, they have a sort of league table of whose the most popular that shows them going up and down.”

“On the one hand, that seems frivolous, on the other hand, it’s quite an interesting idea because Prince Charles suffers, in a way, under the immense popularity of his mother, the Queen.”

Prince Charles Has Made His Own Bed

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Of course many royal fans would point out that Prince Charles has had a helping hand in his own bad PR. First there was the nonsense about cheating on his late wife Princess Diana. Then there was the egregious sin in many fans’ eyes when he married his fling, Camilla, who is now in line to be queen consort.

According to Sacerdoti, “I think that there is one way in which that is a slight problem for him and for the monarchy generally because she’s been there for so long, that there isn’t anyone who can remember anything other than Queen Elizabeth II in their lifetimes.”

That is a great understatement as Her Majesty will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee next year, marking 70 years on the throne. That is many lifetimes, actually!

Will Prince Charles Make People Forget?

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The royal expert went on to say of Her Majesty, “She’s widely thought of as a very responsible, solid, safe pair of hands, who has shown incredible leadership in a very difficult, and some would say an antiquated role.”

To that end Prince Charles has made noises about wanting to modernize the monarchy, and many think he already has by snubbing his own kin. He failed to pass on his late father’s Duke of Edinburgh title to his brother Edward who was said to have been promised the title after Philip’s death.

Perhaps Charles should be more worried about his own family’s opinion of him, as well as the public’s perception?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • M. Payton

    Just another *source* thinking the worst of the royal family and the media thinks it will make money for them…….call is as I see it..*Fake News*. So easy to spot them now.

  • Guest

    The thing is he did do all the things mention in the article. He cheated on Diana he failed to pass down the title and he snubbed Harry and Megan. So what is fake?

  • M. Payton

    First of all Both Charles and Diana cheated in the marriage……you can not blame one without the other and it is not the end of the world when someone cheats in a marriage. And Charles right now has no rights to pass any title onto someone else…he is not king yet! If you are thinking of Edward that will happen when Charles becomes King, not a moment sooner and the last made me chuckle, did you forget how Charles walked Meghan down the aisle when she married Harry, have you seen all the pictures of Charles bending over backwards to make Meghan's mother comfortable during the wedding, what about all the pictures of Charles with Harry and Meghan doing things together and then how Charles was the Bank of Dad when they left the royal family…….so tell me how Charles *snubbed both of them*? Harry and Meghan want a free ride and their names in lights and all the fame they can get from anyone who believes their LIES….the LIES out of their mouths is on record, everything is *fact* checked that they said……I sure hope the royal family knows better then to trust these two for anything said to them will end up on Oprah or Gail King on national TV……These 2 will become like Edward and Wallis in time….the sooner the better in my honest opinion .

  • Guest

    Loves The Citizens
    Of The UK & THE
    As She Says She Does
    She'd Pass Over Up-
    Chuck ( The Skirt
    Chaser) & POMPOUS
    ASS & Make WILLIAM
    Her SUCCESSOR, But
    She Won't, Cause He'd
    Whine To Much To His
    "MUMMY", He Is So

  • Guest

    Doesn't Matter, The ROYALS
    FAMILY, & Not Worth Putting
    Them On Any Pedistal, Old
    ASS & He Earned That Title
    All On His Own.

  • Guest

    Have To Try Hard To Make
    He Has Done That All On
    His Own, He Has Always
    Come Off As An ARROGANT

  • M. Payton

    She does *not* have the authority to do that, Parliament is the one in charge, she is ruled by that body of men and women, they tell her what to do and when. When the country became a constitutional monarchy that is when the royal family lost most of it's power on governing the people. Take it to Parliament is the why to change things, heck even in my country, USA, the president does not have the power, it is the body of Congress, just like your body of Parliament.