Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth Smacked Down Prince Andrew’s Request To Return To Public Duty?

British royal family news reveals that the Duke of York Prince Andrew may not be content to sit on the sidelines of the United Kingdom monarchy much longer. His mom Queen Elizabeth very publicly placed him in a chair in the corner following his scandalous and embarrassing conduct deemed detrimental to The Firm.

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Is it time for his time out to be up? According to recent reports, he thinks so. But what does his boss, Her Majesty think?

Prince Andrew Is Said To Be Desperate To Come Back To Public Duties

It would seem that with the Hollywood defection of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the queen would be in need of a few extra hands on deck. The royals have a full calendar of daily royal appointments and events to appear at, so taking Andrew out of the rotation at the same time two other family members go MIA would seem odd. Except that what is even odder, at least to the FBI, is Andrew’s behavior.

The FBI wants to talk to his about his dealings with the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his “pimp” Ghislaine Maxwell who is currently in jail awaiting trial.

Has Queen Elizabeth Had A Secret Meeting With Andrew About His Return To Public Duties?

Prince Andrew has yet to offer himself up for an interview with the Feds and the one interview he did give about the whole sordid matter only made things worse.

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Last year he tried to clear his name by speaking to the BBC and the subsequent train wreck was a huge reason his mom pulled him from public view. Now he wants to come back according to sources and has actually made an effort to do so.

According to The Sun, the Duke of York thinks he can polish up his soiled image and asked for a meeting with Queen Elizabeth to plead his case.

Prince Andrew Is A Very Controversial Member Of The British Royal Family

How did that go? Apparently, the queen and her son had a secret meeting and the insider spilled a bit about it The Sun. According to the source, the meeting was not one that was publicized and allegedly, “This looked like a deliberate attempt not to be seen.”

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What did they talk about and what was the conclusion? The source did not say but there is plenty of speculation that if Andrew is seeking a comeback, he better not hold his breath.

The Mirror has reported that Andrew’s brother Prince Charles and nephew Prince William are dead set against him ever getting his royal status and duties back.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal spoilers, news, and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • SOS_Editor

    I agree his mother is NEVER letting him back!

  • Guest

    Andrew is a bloody fool. Why does he even want to come back, did he even do much before? Or is it a case of wanting what he can't have?