Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth STUNS And SNUBS By Naming Favorite Great Grandchild

Queen Elizabeth Royal family watchers know that Queen Elizabeth follows all the proper protocols. But Her Royal Majesty didn’t live up to that reputation, according to a recent revelation. 

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Queen Elizabeth shocked her followers by naming her favorite great-grandchild. In the process, she managed to simultaneously favor two members of the royal family while snubbing two others. 

How are Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, and Prince William impacted by Queen Elizabeth’s bombshell? Get the scoop below. 

Queen Elizabeth Shocks By Choosing Favorite Great Grandchild

Proper grandparent etiquette dictates that grandmothers and grandfathers NEVER reveal which grandchild is their favorite. But it’s good to be Queen because that means you can create your own Miss Manners rule book!

And that theory resulted in Queen Elizabeth choosing her favorite great-grandchild, according to royal family expert Ingrid Seward. Shocking those who assume boys and men always are favored in the royal family, Elizabeth’s favorite great-grandchild is Princess Charlotte.

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Seward explained that Charlotte and Queen Elizabeth bonded over their affection for horses. And the bond between the two doesn’t end there. 

The royal family expert revealed that Prince Philip adored his and Queen Elizabeth’s great-grandchildren when they were adorable babies. But not the Queen. Elizabeth preferred “being around children when they are a bit older, especially if it involves teaching them to sit astride a horse. Princess Charlotte—who is pony-mad—has always been a favorite.”

But Queen Elizabeth also may have noticed something very special about Charlotte. Just like the little girl’s great-grandmother, Princess Charlotte knows how to fit into any situation. And that includes her adorable appearances as a bridesmaid.

In total, Queen Elizabeth has 10 great-grandchildren. 

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Royal Family News – Kate Middleton Subtly Helps Queen Elizabeth Snub Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Just in case any royal family watchers didn’t get Queen Elizabeth’s snub of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son Archie, who is also her great-grandchild, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton hammered it home.

Prince William’s wife shared that when Charlotte was born, Elizabeth was “really thrilled” to welcome a girl. The big question mark: Meghan Markle is pregnant, and she and Prince Harry will welcome their own daughter this summer.

Will Queen Elizabeth declare herself thrilled when her great-grandchildren total numbers 11? Meghan and Harry will find the road to approval for their future daughter much rockier than it was for Kate and William’s children. 

The reason: Meghan and Harry now live in California, and the little girl will be born there. In contrast, all of Kate’s and William’s children were born in hospitals close to the Queen’s Palace.

Middleton revealed that as soon as she, Prince William, and Charlotte returned home from the hospital, Queen Elizabeth visited.

“I think [Queen Elizabeth] is very fond of Charlotte, always watching what she’s up to,” shared Kate. “She always leaves a little gift or something in their room when we go and stay and that just shows her love for her family.”

However, with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle off in the United States, such gifts and visits may be challenging, if not impossible. But Queen Elizabeth stays busy with her other great-grandchildren, who refer to her as “Gan-Gan.” (How cute is that?!)

Queen Elizabeth loves her royal family, added Ingrid. “In fact, her family of eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren is what keeps her going.”


Kate MiddletonMeghan MarklePrince HarryPrince WilliamPrincess CharlotteQueen ElizabethQueen Elizabeth News
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  • M. Payton

    Yes, Princess Charlotte is already someone to watch as she has that sparkle in her eye that is ready to take on the world….

  • Guest

    I love Princess Charlotte- she has charisma and charm

  • Guest

    I’m glad the Queen loves Princess Charlotte. How can she be close the Harry’s children when she never sees them. Meagan will be sure and leave the children in the US. She doesn’t want to take care of them. I’m sick of reading how wonderful she looked in the expensive red dress. I certainly don’t think she looked good.

  • Guest

    Sometimes the choices we make only causes pain that will never be forgotten. The children who live closer will be able to bound to the family in the UK. Harry needs to be stronger and the head of his family. He knows right from wrong. I feel that prissiness Diane’s heart would be braking to be here and see what is happening to her family. Harry stand up for whats right

  • Jezz

    Children who you share with your family will obviously have more opportunity to form bonds. It doesn't help if parents also burn bridges and slander the already distanced family. If Harry and Megan had handled things differently and discussed their issues with their family privately, then their children wouldn't have to be so distanced distanced and I'm not talking about air miles. It's sad, the children shouldn't be used for spite. If Harry and Megan have issues with their family is shouldn't be fostered on their children.