Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth To Rein In Prince Harry At Megxit Review

The QueenBritish royal family news reveals that the day of reckoning is fast approaching for Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussxes  and Meghan Markle in regard to their Megxit review. In response, one royal watcher claims that the Queen will “clip the wings” of her grandson who took flight from the family and never looked back.

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In January 2020 the pair, who like to be called the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, dropped their stunning intention to stop being Senior Royals in favor of being “financially independent.” In March they departed the UK never to be seen again. You have to give them credit for one thing though, in a matter of months they made good on their boast, having secured mega deals with Spotify and Nextflix.

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The controversial Megxit accord review is due before the one year anniversary on March 31st, and royal watcher Russell Myers thinks the queen will lower the boom at that time.

For one, the Queen will review Harry’s royal titles and commitments. He told Express that the Duke will not be “banned” from returning to the UK for major events such as his grandparent’s milestone birthdays or the unveiling of a statue of his late mother Princess Diana.

But their wheeling and dealing will have to be dealt with. “They’ve been signing these big-money deals and it needs to work for both parties. I think that will be the main crux of these meetings that are coming up in the future.”

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Royal Family News: When Will Prince Harry Return to the UK?

Royal biographer Andrew Morton claims the pair want to return to hash things out, after having made their bombshell announcement and then for all intents and purposes fled like persecuted bandits.

According to Morton, “Harry wants to meet face to face to tie it all up.”

“Things seem to have calmed down. Harry has been in contact with the Queen more often than you would think. But certain things you need to be there in person to sort. They will need a few weeks. That could be done after April, depending on COVID.”

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Will Harry get to keep his royal titles? Morton thinks, “There are no plans to kick them out or get rid of their titles. Harry regrets the hasty statement last January that blindsided everyone.” While it’s too late to erase that massive blinder, perhaps he can try and make up for it by behaving better the next time he meets with his grandmother the queen?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    They have no rights to any title except lower than shit mr mrs markle they do not live in the U.K. but want all the perks while they spout their crap

  • SOS_Editor

    Yes, they sure want their cake and want to eat it too!

  • Jezz

    The Queen really does need to rein them in. Their actions have shown no love for their grandmother or respect or loyalty to her position. She didn't ask to be born a Queen. If someone like me can understand her struggle and difficult situation I don't know why her own nearly forty year old grandson can't, he's not a child! I could never treat my grandmothers the way he is treating his. Publicly trying to compete with her and humiliating her and for what, publicity he has said he doesn't want and money he doesn't really need. All families have their ups and downs, mine are no exception but I could never hurt and betray my family, my friends and my country for more fame and fortune the way Harry has. It's like he's done a deal with the Devil! You have to question Harry's judgement if he believes he can do media interviews criticising his nation and addressing what he perceives as their flaws and then throwing a tantrum when they tell him where to shove his veterans wreath. It wasn't the Queens fault the nation would not want his wreath after he virtually called the people and their fallen guilty of racism! He only had himself to blame for that situation. If the Queen slow down this train it headed for self-destruction.

  • Guest

    Somebody needs to put a lid on these two spoiled brats!!!

  • Sharon Martinez

    Yes, they are not ‘financially independent’ of the queen…they are using Harry’s grandmother’s life work and honored position to rake in megabucks for themselves. If they think that they’ve ‘earned’ what they’ve received by exploiting their positions which were given to them in trust by the queen, they are both deluded. Especially, MeeeeGain.

  • Guest

    Your kidding right?

  • Guest

    They have the blood of Diana on their hands and the life’s of little abused children.

  • Park Avenue

    Rein them in?
    I say drop them like a hot potato.
    They are so smart and far beyond the sophisticated. Leaps and bounds more lucrative than the Royal Family.
    They won't allow that unfortunate child to see 100 year old and 96 year old Great grandparents.
    They are beneath contempt and should be cut off.