Royal Family News: Queen Wants Prince Harry To Get Rid Of “Witch” Meghan Markle

British royal family news shows that Queen Elizabeth recently celebrated her Platinum Jubilee commemorating 70 years in service to the town and country. Her Majesty has what it takes to go long and now insiders are revealing what she thinks of the partnership between her grandson Prince Harry and Meghan Merkle.

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Does she think it will go the distance? Perhaps reach a 70-year anniversary such as she has done? Apparently the queen sees the writing on the wall for Princess Pinocchio and the court jester!

Royal Family News – The Queen Has a Jaundiced Opinion

According to the National Enquirer, the queen wants the Duke of Excess to return to Great Britain. With one caveat: ditch the witch.

Could the level headed queen really have opined that she wants, “Prince Harry to come to his senses about his wife Meghan Markle?”

An insider told the outlet, “I’m told the queen’s dying wish is for Harry to come to his senses and ditch Meghan. It’s the only way he can ever go home again.”

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Royal Family News – The Queen Has Hopes For Harry Going Solo

Of course you know the saying, ‘can’t keep them down on the farm once they’ve seen Paris,’ or some such.

Furthermore, the source added: “She will not allow them to cash in on their royal connections for their megabucks Netflix documentary.”

Royal Family News -The Queen Puts Her Foot Down

In other news, Me-Again was recently said to have been feeling ‘bittersweet’ about the Queen’s invitation to visit.

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OK! reported: “On one hand it fuels her and Harry’s confidence that they are very much still part of the family. But after so much time away, [Meghan] fears Harry will be lured back into the fold and want to return to the U.K.”

The chatty source went on to add, “Meghan doesn’t doubt that Harry is committed to spending the rest of his life in America, but does have a certain trepidation over how these types of visits can pull at his heartstrings.”

What do you think royal fans, is Meghan’s alleged sentiment selfish or wise? If Harry were to keep regular company with his family, would he want to return to the fold, and if so, is that such a bad thing? Tell us what you think!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Atlaspix /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Debbi

    Harry should dump her and go home. She a witch and has put a spell on him! She has only caused him

  • Linda Hanson

    I 100% agree with the Queen telling Harry to dump the witch!

  • Sharon

    Megan planned this marriages to a royal. She knew Harry was gullible. She will only ruin his life. Go home to your family Harry. You deserve so much more than Megan. She will ruin you. You are smarter than this. Just go home where you really belong. To be a royal with your family.

  • Dee Pettingill

    Meghan needs Harry because she needs the attention his status brought her. Harry needs Meghan because she commiserates with him on how terrible life has been for poor Harry (hahaha). They both think they’re wonderfully important. Harry bashes the US constitution and his family. Meghan thinks she’s going to be the US President()! She bashes his family and clings onto him like a spider. A match made in hell. They deserve each other.

    • Sandra

      Your comment is so accurate, and, is reflective my very thoughts. She reminds me of a huge terantula that has spun a an enormounsly strong web that has sucked him in, and he stays there because of his emotional fragility.

  • Myra

    I agree. Get rid of that witch he is married to and go back to England where he belongs, with his family. However I don’t think he’s a Royal anymore so whatever. Personally I’m sick of hearing about Meghan and Harry. He made his bed number one when he married her number two when she talked him into moving to the United States. Big mistake Harry!!

  • Robyn

    I think it would have happened before the children. Meg has her hooks in him with the kids!
    When Harry said I do he handed over his male parts to her!
    Harry is whipped!!!

  • Devorah Bursley

    Harry needs to take a good hard long look at himself in the mirror. He is a ghost of what he once was. The children he claims to love so much are but facades of an extended family, they do not exist in the real world. He needs to come to terms with who he was meant to be not what his wife is trying to mold him into an obedient puppet. He was never meant to be an American, but an integral member of the omnipotent Monarchy. Harry, go home & make your grandmother proud of the man you were meant to be, don’t fall further into the trap your so-called wife has so blatantly set for you. Find your way back home where you will find unconditional love from those that will surround you with welcome arms.