Royal Family News: “Rich” Prince Andrew Unbothered By His Scandals

 Prince AndrewBritish royal family news reveals that Prince Andrew has fallen from grace and the question of whether or not he can reclaim his public persona as a royal fit to represent the queen is up in the air.

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Can Prince Andrew’s reputation ever be restored to its former glory? Or is he destined to be derided as “Randy Andy” for the rest of his days?

Royal Family News – Andrew Is A Fallen Royal

Back in 2019 Prince Andrew went on the BBC to deny sexually assaulting a minor named Virginia Guiffre. This month Guiffre filed a lawsuit against Andrew claiming that he did just that.

In terms of spin, Andrew is a PR nightmare. He claims he, “can’t remember,” meeting her yet a widely distributed image shows him with his arm around her bare waist. How to deny the photographic evidence? According to those speaking presumably on Andrew’s “behalf” the photo is fake.

Aside from such refutations, what can Andrew to do restore the luster to his image? According to the Guardian, “PR executives insist that Andrew must make almost a full, authentic and credible apology.”

One source thinks that if Andrew would, “devote himself to good works and public service for the rest of his life”, that would do the trick. Maybe Meghan Markle can mentor him in this regard?

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Royal Family News  -Can Andrew Regain His Luster?

Another source insisted that if Andrew could see fit to, “devote himself to charity work, perhaps in Africa,” his shine would reemerge.

And yet a serious roadblock to Andrew’s return to glory appears to be his insistence that he hasn’t done anything wrong. And to be fair, he has repeatedly denied Guiffre’s claims that they had sex three times in three different locations when she was a minor.

In a 2017 interview Andrew was asked about the following: allegedly allowing Kevin Spacey to sit on the royal throne, inviting convicted sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein to his daughter’s 18th birthday party, and selling his house to an oligarch for millions over the asking price. According to Andrew, there is nothing to see here. And maybe not, but the optics are not good regardless of the perspective.

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Royal Family News – Is Andrew For Real?

In his own words, Andrew responded to the above situations by invoking the privilege card: “Everybody should be given an opportunity. Sometimes you find that somebody’s done something after the event, or you find that perhaps that wasn’t quite as wise. You don’t get it right all the time. It doesn’t bother me, really. It’s just part of life’s rich tapestry.”

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