Royal Family News: Shameless Meghan Markle Brazenly Claims She Will Keep Up Her Political Agenda

British Royal Family news spills the not so shocking bombshell that defiant Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has every intention of stirring the political pot for the foreseeable future.

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According to her spokesperson, Meghan’s conduct, which has been called “interference” by an elected American official, “won’t end after the US election.” Her sense of self-importance won’t let her.

Her spokesperson made it clear to Insider that, “because she feels ‘encouraging people to get involved,” and this is “important,” Meghan will go right on spouting her views such as they are. Lucky us.

Rebellious Meghan Markle’s Political Activism Is So Important She Thinks That She Can’t Stop

Despite the fact that Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his missus, the Duchess of Sussex, have been laughed at, criticized, and even reported to the UK for their embarrassingly transparent political antics, they have no intention of giving up their right to chime in their two cents on the US election.

They will continue to flagrantly disregard the centuries-old tradition that calls on members of the Royal Family to remain politically neutral.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Enjoy Speaking Out About What’s On Their Minds

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The spokesperson went on to say that Harry and Meghan’s comments are, “not time-specific,” and took pains to explain to Insider, “Part of being an active member of society is to take part in the democratic process. So encouraging people to get involved in politics is something that is important.”

Sources revealed that Meghan voted early by mail in the November 3, 2020, presidential election and would be, “eagerly awaiting,” the poll results from the comfort of her $14 million Montecito mansion. British citizen Prince Harry cannot vote in the US but that did not stop him from parroting everything his wife Meghan had to say about the election.

The chatty spokesperson made it clear that the Duke and Duchess’ comments were spewed, “at a very important part of the election cycle,” and they plan to make like the Energizer Bunny and keep going, and going and going.

Harry and Meghan want everyone to know they are not going to stop talking about their political agenda

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A source told the New York Post that Meghan would have cast her ballot even if she and Harry had still been living in the UK. She is technically not a royal, having snubbed her title when she and Harry chose to dump their duties and flee to America in March. But she is the first with a close attachment to the monarchy to vote in a US election.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    I think Harry is getting tired of being dragged. This is more than he signed up for. If he divorces her he could be accepted back in the royal family.

  • Kenya Sanders

    leave them alone damn

  • Jezz

    I am all for women being strong and independent. Real men love women who have these qualities, they see their strong partners as equals in their relationship and these men would not be happy with a door mat for a partner. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors between a couple. I would say though that any strong person male or female should be mindful not to let their strong opinions and actions harm their relationship, become unhealthy and destructive. True love is being mindful of your loves feelings too.

  • Guest

    Vicious and vindictive is not CLASS, she’s just a low life

  • Guest

    If she turned on the royal family because they wouldn’t play her games… Me myself wouldn’t trust her with a dead dog . The US already has enough problems!