Royal Family News: “Suspicious” Prince Harry Resented “Prioritized” Prince William, Reason For Rift?

British royal family news reveals that royal author Valentine Low’s newest book, Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, is spilling a lot of Earl Grey about Harry the Duke of Sussex.

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Among the bold claims is the allegation that Harry became “paranoid” after, “he married Meghan Markle.”

Royal Family News – Is Harry Fearful?

According to Low, Harry became increasingly distrustful of palace staff and, “had this obsession with the media.”

Royal expert Kinsey Schofield echoed Low’s reporting, telling Fox News Digital that Harry, “has always been suspicious of palace staff.”

She said, “I’ve been told that ever since Harry was a teenager, the palace prioritized Prince William’s reputation over Prince Harry’s. For instance, there’s a story about a paper calling the palace communications team for comment on a negative William story. The palace’s strategy was to offer up a negative Harry story to kill the William story from running.”

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Royal Family News – Harry The Naked Pool Boy

The key takeaway here is that there was an abundance of negative Harry stories to supply the press. Among his baser behavior, Harry dressed up as a Nazi for a costume party and rollicked around Vegas as a naked pool boy. Lest one think this is random filth, Katie Couric once accused Harry of showing up for an interview smelling like a boozy ashtray.

Schofield added, “The Prince and Princess of Wales are the future and the priority. While it seems harsh, it’s also common sense.”

Royal Family News – Harry And His Negative Antics

Schofield went on to say, “I think it’s more about Prince Harry growing up with a mom that insisted that her sons be treated equally and then losing that advocate … Prince William was given priority. I think the staff was so taken aback by how assertive Meghan Markle was … immediately. No honeymoon period there. But behind the scenes, Harry had been venting his frustrations to Meghan and now she was here to steer the ship.”

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They steered their ship all the way to Oprah Winfrey’s couch for a 2021 mud flinging fest in which they trashed his family to high heaven.

Royal Family News – Why Did Harry Trash His Family?

Before H and M dropped their load of trash on Oprah, “a former aide accused Markle of bullying. The Times of London reported allegations that the duchess drove out two personal assistants and left staff feeling “humiliated.” Meghan’s response? That it was a, “calculated smear campaign,” against her. Maybe she was taking her cue from Harry?

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Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    Sadly Harry does come across as having some long standing resentment to not being further up the monarchy pecking order. Not just his behavior towards William but Harry’s resignation from his family institution, and the actions thereafter. Foremost for example comes to mind his first big attempt to compete with one of his families most important and emotional ceremonies held on armistice day to honor the sacrifice of UK and Commonwealth soldiers who have given their lives for our countries freedom. That vulgar display in the USA graveyard was appalling. Because of the timing and his grievances with his family it didn’t come off as a demonstration of genuine care and consideration for USA veterans, more like “lets stick it to my family” and take some attention from an important day to them. Thats was the turning poit for me. Harry to me demonstrated in that action that all he cared about was his own grievances with his family and he was prepared to use anyone, even our brave fallen heroes to stick it to Queen, family and country. I can understand that all mothers, fathers, grandmothers, desire to treat the children as equal but in this unique situation perhaps more should and can be done so that other future siblings of the future monarchs are not left feeling so jealous. As for Meghan perhaps this article is right and along came a woman who loved Harry and thought she could help him with his perceived injustices. Whatever the reasons the fact of this tragedy is Harry has handled his departure from his family very badly and unintelligently and done himself more harm than good. I struggle to believe his actions are less than selfishness, born of jealousy because he put more value and importance on him and his wife doing nasty family bashing media interviews and wearing uniforms at funerals than he did trying to see his dying grandparents. Words of love don’t fly when actions of spiteful interviews are a priority over sick and elderly relatives.