Royal Family News: The Queen Is “Irritated” With Prince Charles Over Andrew

British royal family news reveals that there was not unanimous agreement on the front and center role played by disgraced Prince Andrew at his father’s memorial held last week at Westminster Abbey. Will the fallout further widen the rift between Andrew’s supporters and his dissenters?

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A source told Us Weekly that the future king, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, was “against” his younger brother even being at the service. As shocked royals and non-royals alike watched, Andrew was not only present, he was large and seemingly in charge.

Royal Family News – Andrew Was Large And In Charge

According to the source, “Elizabeth is irritated with Prince Charles for giving his opinion where it’s not wanted.”

Andrew’s controversial appearance at the memorial was his first public showing since he settled a sexual assault lawsuit for millions of dollars in an out of court settlement with Virginia Giuffre. He made the deal in February with Giuffre, who, “previously accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was underage, prompting Andrew to step away from his royal duties in November 2019.”

Andrew has denied the charges, telling the BBC in 2019, “I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady, none whatsoever. It just never happened.”

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Royal Family News – The Palace Took Away Andrew’s Titles

In January the palace announced that Andrew’s HRH and military titles as well as his patronages would be stripped away and the following month he and Giuffre reached a settlement.

More than 1,800 people attended Philip’s service which was held on March 29. Queen Elizabeth walked in with Andrew and he escorted her to her seat and she sat next to Charles during the event.

Royal Family News – The Royal Family Has Experienced Scandals

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As part of the out of court settlement it was stated, “Prince Andrew intends to make a substantial donation to Ms. Giuffre’s charity in support of victims’ rights. Prince Andrew has never intended to malign Ms. Giuffre’s character, and he accepts that she has suffered both as an established victim of abuse and as a result of unfair public attacks.”

Andrew’s statement also noted that he, “regrets his association with Epstein and commends the bravery of Ms. Giuffre and other survivors in standing up for themselves and others.”

The letter also stated that Andrew hopes to, “demonstrate his regret for his association with Epstein by supporting the fight against the evils of sex trafficking, and by supporting its victims.” Dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was Andrew’s friend and Giuffre contends that she was his underage sex trafficking victim when she had sex with Andrew on three occasions.

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