Royal Family News: The Queen Was the One Who Put Prince Harry In His Place On Remembrance Sunday

British royal family news reveals that Daily Mail is spilling the goods on the behind-the-scenes drama that led to Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex and Meghan Markle’s hissy fit/PR stunt at Los Angeles National Cemetery on Remembrance Sunday.

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Who can forget the horrid images of the two of them desecrating the hallowed ground, stomping around in designer clothes while their hired photographer clicked away?

Harry was dressed up with a red poppy on his suit and all three of his military medals. His wife wore what must have seemed to her like the only choice: a flowing black dress and matching stilettos.

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It was a putrid choice, one in a long list of self-serving photo ops they have taken since coming to LA to rehab their bratty, entitled image as privileged members of the royal family they publicly snubbed.

It was Remembrance Sunday in November and the real royals back in the UK continued their tradition of laying wreaths in tribute to the fallen. Hollywood Harry wanted one laid on his behalf, and his request was declined. What followed was an epic temper tantrum very unfairly taken out on the graves of pure strangers.

The Fresh Prince of Montecito and his wife thought they would show the world how mistreated they were by going to the LA cemetery and trying to find someone’s grave to lay their own wreath on; Pity they knew no one.

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At the time it was said that Palace officials had made the decision to decline Harry’s request without discussing it with his grandmother Queen Elizabeth.

Today the spin stands corrected. According to the outlet it was, “the Queen alone who was behind the refusal — and that it took her ‘all of two seconds’ to make up her mind.”

A source said, “Remembrance Sunday is sacrosanct when it comes to Her Majesty’s diary. It’s one of the most important dates in her calendar and nothing is done without her knowledge.”

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“People were suggesting the Palace’s reaction to what Harry asked was petty. But it was the Queen’s decision. And what’s more, she actually had very strong views on the subject.”

Apparently the queen thought it distasteful to drag out the matter any further at the time, and thus said nothing. Harry, take a lesson: discretion is the better part of valor.

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  • Jezz

    If it was the Queens decision I don't blame her. Neither would I blame either the government or the people either if it had been their choice. Harry made his choices to leave his family, country and duties so what right should he have to bring his circus show and accompanying performance act known as his wife to such an event in the form of a wreath. We all know the wreath would have been more about the attention and staying relevant than any actual genuine concern and obviously whoever made the decision was aware of that too which is why it was refused. I have said it before and I will say it again. Harry cannot go criticising his country and expect them to let him use them for a media stunt. I bet he and Megan won't be accepting any flowers from their critic's but then again I doubt unlike them their critic's won't be so disingenuous enough to send any. I hope the Queen reduces him to just an ordinary family member, no titles, no royal privileges and then they can just have the private life they used as an excuse to move to America.

  • Guest

    We are all tired of MEGAN…..she is troubled,jealous,petty,and Harry did a poor job of marrying her. This will end in DIVORCE…poor lil Archie .

  • Gloria Trelles

    They can't be so rude to the Queen doing the sad performance and with a hired photographer. They were sick and tired of the life of UK and now they want all the attention.

  • Guest

    What a wonderful description of how I feel about the two lower than shit assholes, the Queen did the right thing in refusing him that honor why should he be allowed to honor the fallen soldiers when he deserted his Queen, country and the servicemen and women, then he planned a photo shoot with the third rate actress mistress to trample through a graveyard using their tombstones as props, need to get rid of those titles let’s see how the American business fall all over the shitheads then with no titles etc

  • Jezz

    Thank you. I take no pleasure in how these two people make me feel. I speak up because I feel their nasisstic behavior should not be condoned or considered by others who might be a little nieve as appropriate, genuine or even fashionable.

  • Guest

    I’m sure they are a wonderful family. But the stress of royal life is not for everyone. Even some in the family. What’s worse is how the British people and media is so far in their business that it’s would be hard to breath, move or appreciate the joy of being free with only laws as your country. I know I am thankful I am not a royal. Look what being a royal life did to Princess Diana. If it was not for the media chasing her and everyone in her business she would be alive today. I understand why they stepped back. Don’t blame them one bit. Megan was not raised to be in that type of life. Good to Harry to support his wife. Sorry if my opinion varies to yours. I’m free to have it!!

  • Guest

    I think with all that had happened before with Princess Diana’s life and the Queen not acknowledging her tragic death until people urged her to do so- it would be a tragedy if she looses Harry or anyone else she has snubbed. She may not admit it, but her heart would be broken to know she didn’t try to mend fences. Feel sorry for all involved.

  • Guest

    I think people need to cut them some slack. If anything breaks them up it will probably involve the lying media. A lot of stuff that's been printed is from someone's active imagination. A lovely couple, family. I wish them all the luck and happiness they deserve.

  • Guest

    If they truly wanted to live the life of private citizens after leaving the U.K. they could have easily done so. The truth is that they are the ones that are tipping off the press as to what they are doing so they can stay in the news…like what the Kardashians have been known to do. I don’t think Harry wanted so much to leave the U.K. and his family as much as Meghan wanted that and she knew how to manipulate it to where she would get what she wanted. So, they left and are upset that they got financially cut off and now they are being cut off from things that they want to stay relevant in that is going on in the UK. You wanted to step away from it so with that comes the cut off. Deal with it.

  • Guest

    Such a horrible story written against Harry & Meghan. This is why they left in the first place. I wonder how much Tanya was paid to write such garbage!!

  • Guest

    I am happy they are speaking out and helping others. Unless you have walked in their shoes, you have no idea what they have gone through. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

  • Guest

    Whoa is me Megan and Harry should remember they are no longer Royalty. That is what they wanted. HARRY SHOULD consider divorcing Poor Meghan. She's not a victim just groomer to his bad behavior.

  • Guest

    This is horrible things to say in very unprofessional very narrow brain, and that trying to make people hate Harry and Megan, so have to make up some stories

  • Guest

    Well yes it was their fault for backing off as royals and their duties and fleeing to California and tell lies about his and her families it is not right no one in their right mind should not do a thing like that to the queen she was so nice to them now see what happened they thought they could exploit everything about the royal family to make it look like it was their fault i do hope they do get stripped completely of their titles and then they can be Americans this way they wouldn't have to worry about anything in the UK
    But i know for a fact Harry is not to happy to be in California and be away from his family he has known he doesn't quit know all of Meghan's Friends some day he will learn by his mistake then it will be to late