Royal Family News: The Royal Family Didn’t Appreciate The GIFT That Was Meghan Markle

British royal family news divulges that one royal biographer thinks that the royal family should properly thank Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex for her sensational presence the short time she was in the UK.

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Sean Smith wrote Meghan Misunderstood (which makes clear his point of view on his subject) and according to him the Markle Sparkle was woefully unappreciated. His book is an unabashed gush of just how fabulous Meghan is.

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According to him, Meghan’s “inspirational” speeches were a “gift” that was “not appreciated” by Prince William and Kate.

He told the Daily Star, apparently without a trace of irony, that Meghan Thee Duchess is, “not a dull person” and brought a “great deal of charisma” to the UK. He also praised her, “articulate and eloquent way” of talking.

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In particular the author was wowed by her trip to Robert Clack Upper School in Dagenham, where she asked eager student Aker Okoye onto the stage to speak about International Women’s Day.

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The teen took one look at Meghan and exclaimed, “She really is beautiful, innit?” Then he hugged her in a moment that has since gone viral.

Smooth cooed that the hug was “fantastic” and exclaimed it was an example of how she, “brought empathy” to certain situations.

Royal Family News – Is Megan Markle Underappreciated?

The author went on to say that Meghan’s public speaking skills simply were not “appreciated” by the presumably dull royal family and he thinks that now that Meghan is gone they are struggling to find something that is “now missing.”

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“Meghan would be great in politics, I think the speeches she give are very inspirational and I think she is a tremendous public speaker. She is very, very articulate too and it is a gift that she brought to the Royal Family, a gift that was not properly appreciated.”

He added, “For example, the Meghan hug was fantastic, of course you couldn’t have that now because of Covid, but the empathy she brought to certain situations, for example the school in Dagenham, is just great.”
He went on to give William and Kate a left handed compliment by calling out their upbringing.

“I don’t want to knock members of the Royal Family, Prince William, Kate, and other members too, but Meghan has a different life experience than them.”

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  • Guest

    I have no use for MM. Her ego supersedes all limits. Her hold on poor weak Harry is sad to see. Leave Harry before she destroys any more of you.

  • Guest

    GIFT that keep on giving in terms of aggravation.

  • Jezz

    People like me don't know what's really going on in the royal families private family life. However I would say from the enormous amount of publicity (from both sides) it doesn't look like it was a good fit for either Megan or the Royals. No person has any right to enter a family and expect to change everything within the family to suit them. It doesn't really matter who it is be it Megan or someone like us, in these new family situations we have to take our time to settle in. It has taken Kate years to settle in and normal families are no exception. Megan can't just come in and expect to be the leading lady. If this was a film and Merril Streep was the leading lady Megan wouldn't expect to just push her aside and take centre stage. And if her actions were hostile resulting in a book and interviews I bet Hollywood wouldn't consider her for future parts. Just because it's the Royals it doesn't really make family situations any different from us ordinary people.

  • Guest

    Oh come off it!!! A GIFT….what????? have you got a screw loose or something????? You've got to be joking!!!! Me-gain is/was no GIFT….she annoyed and insulted and embarrassed people left and right with her pushy/bossy, know-it-all, rude, opportunistic, behaviour. She has no speaking skill at all and her voice is practically monotone and irritating, and her gestures are totally pathetic. She is not speaking…she is acting!!!!

  • Guest

    The royals are starting to seem to love all this media drama than they’re letting on. It’s always the same three people Queenie,St. Kate, and their younger Royal relatives. There was a time that the only time you heard about the royals was when Queenie chastised Charles for not being capable of acting like a dignified future king. That whatever Diana did was his fault because he allowed her to with his womanizing. Now social media might as well be their own streaming reality show.Whether the UK and the royals like it or not. Meghan and Harry had a child together, and said child will always be connected to their family along with Meghan. So everybody needs to chill out and it’s past time for Queenie to step down and give the crown to Charles. She’s too old and out of touch with the modern times of the 21st century.You can’t tell people who to marry anymore especially if they’re way down the list to be king. Relax people they’re won’t be a black queen of England it’s okay. Great Britain isn’t set up that way, they’re just as if not more racist than America ever could be. I should know our election proved despicable our own countrymen can be. But again relax people Meghan and her half black half white child won’t be queen in our lifetime. William and St. Kate’s over active womb put a stop to all that. All their kids are lined up ahead of Meghan’s and Harry’s….

  • Guest

    You mean Queenie’s ego don’t you? She knows that her time is winding down and that Charles will accept Meghan/Harry like deserve to be, and his grandchild. William/St. Kate will be powerless to do anything about it either. Queenie’s behavior since Harry brought Meghan to the UK. Has been appalling and uncalled for her not shutting down the media when their child was born made me lose respect for her and pretty much William/St.Kate. There’s no way I would allow the media to trash a member of my family like they have Meghan and sometimes Harry. But hey similar things happen to all of us we’re not immortal someday all this stuff will hit Queenie and she’s going have a nervous breakdown at the end for being so difficult with her grandson’s wife…

  • Guest

    She expected to get her way and thought she would be waited on hand & foot. It showed when she demanded to have a certaint crown for her wedding. Harry is a wimp and is p/whipped. She knew who he was when she met him and lied when she said she didnt! She has Harry believing she is like Princess Diana but Princess Diana was never any thing like her! Princess was an outstanding, classy & beautiful inside & out as to which Megan has none of these qualities! She is a scheming & fake person and only things of her self!
    I really feel sorry for Harry as he has lost every thing that made him who he was, mainly his dignity, when he followed her out or the UK!

  • Guest

    Call me old fashioned. Family is family. You stick together no matter what. If Harry loves Megan, than accept what is and live with it. Be kind, to her and her family. She's not going anywhere and the whole families are missing out on family togetherness. I can't believe such a religious family the royals are to be treating Megan, Harry and their family like this. It's an embarrassment to the Royal family.

  • Guest

    Let's get one thing straight I don't think Meghan came in thinking she could take over. She truly loves Harry and he loves her! You people are talking about her like she is a dog. That's not fair! Kate is no saint, and definitely not perfect! She has faults just like anybody else. Every since Meghan has married into this so called perfect royal family she has been bashed by everyone except Harry's father. And that is darn right ridiculous! You should give Meghan and Harry the respect that they deserve. I truly believe that Harry knows what he is doing and wants. After all this is his life. Meghan and Harry are the new millennials that are changing the Royal's for the new generation for the greater good of us all. Look at all the good things they're doing! Even Kate and William can't compete with that! Don't keep bashing folks that are changing the times. Instead of complaining all the time about people who are helping to make a difference. Why don't each and everyone of you think about a way you can help make a difference!

  • Guest

    I agree Queenie told Harry that you have to go with the flow with certain media’s that the royals had picked. But did you see any of the bull crab happening to William and Kate. Once in awhile but not attacked like Harry and Megan