Royal Family News: The TRUTH About Meghan Markle’s Soul Mate Omid Scobie

British royal family news reveals the outrageous scoop that Meghan Markle’s “soul mate” (and it’s not Harry) may be a lying liar of the lies (not to say that Harry couldn’t fit in that category). Why would Meghan and Harry’s biographer and pet journalist Omid Scobie lie about his age, shaving years off his delivery date?

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That’s a minor blip in Scooby Doo’s bio though, keep reading to discover the “seedy” past he may want no one to know about, especially his fierce feminist bestie Meghan.

According to the Daily Mail Scobie is responsible for the now defunct website IdolWow! which he devoted to covering K-pop. What’s wrong with that?

Nothing, just that it’s stunning that the man who now wants to be taken seriously as a journalist ran a site that described Yuri, from the group Girls’ Generation this way: “tight bikini that flaunts her ample cleavage and supremely busty curves.”

How does Scobie’s cheap tripe objectifying women mesh with Meghan’s female empowerment? Someone’s got some ‘splaining to do. Should Scobie be embarrassed about his tawdry (the outlet uses the words “notably raunchy”) past? Never! He’s done what every aspirational person dreams of, climbed the social ladder. Maybe that’s why he and Megs get along so well.

Royal Family News: Meghan’s Seedy Soul Mate

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Scobie now writes about the royals and he penned Finding Freedom, the saccharine biography of Harry and Meghan, so he has the right to be loud and proud about rising up from his trashtastic past.

But, just to be clear, Scobie trafficked in some pretty lurid antifeminist rhetoric: “An article on his website noted creepily that Hyuna’s video is littered with close up crotch shots in barely-there hot pants that show off the 23-year-old girl group star’s bootylicious curves.”

But wait, there’s more! Scobie’s own site proclaimed “at one point the brunette idol even squeezes her breasts together at the camera.” Stay classy Scooby Doo.

Royal Family News: Omid Scobie Is Meghan’s Soul Mate

What will vehement feminist Meghan make of Scobie’s sexed-up monetization of women? The old Scobie is a different animal than the new Scobie who “has previously written extensively about Meghan’s female empowerment speeches and has posted links on social media to articles about sexism.”

Who is Scobie? He grew up in “a large detached home on the outskirts of Oxford, the son of an Iranian social worker mother and a British marketing director father – who describes his son always having “grand ambitions” just like Meghan.

And like Meghan he’s pleased with himself, once saying that “he is one of few journalists writing about the Royals whose work is impartial and spin free.” Which is great considering that he’s writing a book titled Endgame, “an unfiltered investigation into the current state of the Royal Family.”

Scooby Doo’s old group of friends are “struck not just by his change in fortune but his physical transformation, and say that during the course of many trips to Seoul he acquired the K-pop look … He just seems to get younger and younger looking.”

About that. How old is Scobie exactly? Which version of the truth do you want? The Mail claims that his IdolWow! legal documents list his “date of birth … incorrectly, making him eight years younger.” Because an even ten would be too much?

It’s not the first time Scobie forgot how old he is. In 2020 “He also told an interviewer that he was 33 when, in fact, he was then 39.” He can’t even remember to keep his “recollections” straight!

According to the Daily Mail’s math, Scobie turned 42 last week. They quote a source as saying “He has a happy knack of reinventing himself” which is something else he and Megs have in common. It will be interesting to see how the now-exposed K-Pop fanatic who can’t remember how old he is responds to his defrocking.

Come back here often and we’ll give you all the deets on this juicy situation. Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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