Royal Family News: The Truth About The Queen’s Relationship With Paul McCartney

British royal family news reveals that there is a connection between Queen Elizabeth and a Beatle that not many people know about.

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What in the world brought these two beloved British public figures together? Keep reading to find out how Her Majesty and Sir Paul McCartney are linked.

Royal Family News – Paul McCartney Is A Friend Of The Queen

On May 11 McCartney told CBS This Morning, “I think the thing about the queen is that she’s — she’s royal, so you look up to her ’cause she’s royal. But she’s very down to earth.”

McCartney and Queen Elizabeth go way back to a time when the world had no idea who he would become–he won an essay contest about the queen when he was a child.

McCartney has always gushed about Queen Elizabeth, and in 1997 she knighted him for his, “services to music.” At the time he was given the title of “Sir Paul” in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

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Royal Family News – Paul McCartney Is A Huge Royal Fan

According to McCartney he was fond of the queen from a young age and wrote an essay about her when he was 10.

He explained, “Because the coronation was approaching, there was a competition for all the schools in England you had to write an essay on the monarchy.”

McCartney said he wrote about Britain’s “lovely young queen,” who was 27 years old when she inherited the throne in 1953. McCartney included lyrics from a love song and was able to remember details of the competition.

When he won the event he was so nervous that he, “stumbled up with legs of jelly, and it was the first time I’d ever kind of really been on a stage.”

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Royal Family News – Paul McCartney Thinks The Monarchy Is Worth The Cost

McCartney told Radio Times that all The Beatles, “all kind of liked the queen,” because they identified with her. He said, “She’s ours. She’s the queen.” He described Her Majesty as “very intelligent” and a “great figure in history.”

While some may grouse about the expense it takes to keep the monarchy in place McCartney believes it is worth every penny and has stated that the queen is the “glue” that holds Britain together.

He said, “When everything’s falling apart in Britain she seems to be the glue. People say [the royal family] costs too much. But then with the money that they bring in … To me, I’m not sure I would want a President [David] Cameron, [Boris] Johnson, or [Theresa] May. It just doesn’t sound as good as the queen.”

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  • Guest

    Finally someone who has good things to say about the queen. It's refreshing to hear a positive take on the monarchy.