Royal Family News: This Is Why Prince Harry Is Destined To Fail In America

British royal family news reveals that despite public perception, Prince Harry has a “life’s work.” In his own words rehauling the UK media is his destiny. Which is a rather curious thing to say for a man who depends on the media to turn a buck. 

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Royal Family News – Americans Don’t Give A Damp Squib About Harry

This became evident after Dirty Harry testified against Mirror Group Newspapers at the High Court in London in early June. He and others are suing alleging that the group used unlawful practices such as phone hacking to gather intel to write about the litigants.

This January Harry told ITV’s Tom Bradby “one of the reasons why I am moving the mission of changing the media landscape within the U.K. from being personal to my life’s work, a large part of that is down to the ongoing legal battles. Right?”

Royal Family News – Harry Deeply Unpopular

A Newsweek poll of 1,500 Americans showed that nearly half said Harry’s media quest “did not matter at all to them” and thirty-four percent knew “nothing at all” about the case.

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For someone who desperately needs to be relevant to make money in his post-financial freedom days, this is bad news on top of worse news that Spotify cancelled the couple’s contract last week.

Royal Family News- Harry’s Financial Freedom

The outlet reports that “The data suggests Harry … may need to acclimatize himself to the fact that his campaign, which he described as his life’s work in January, may leave Americans cold.” Note to Harry: Americans ditched the monarchy for a life framed by real freedoms, including the right to free speech something you detest, maybe you ought to rethink your schtick here.

Royal Family News – America’s Not Wild About Harry

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PR expert Edward Coram James told Newsweek: “I think it’s largely brain drain, Harry has consumed so much of the airwaves for the last year … There was this big build-up in the advertising campaigns and this huge expectation that he was going to drop some major bombshells, but the bombshells never arrived.

People are not getting hyped up by anything he says anymore because they’re just expecting a little bit of a damp squib.”

Coram James said that the overall sitch for H and M is not good, with Americans so-so on the prince, and the couple has “lost the U.K. audience, that’s gone.” How bad is Harry’s rep in the UK? According to the PR wiz, Harry is “deeply, deeply unpopular” in Britain.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry’s ‘Life’s Work’

The one positive thing about Prince Harry’s affirmation is that he’s been consistent in hating the media: “taking swipes at the media for decades, since at least his 21st birthday when he called out columnists in a TV interview.”

The bad thing is that Harry is failing at his mission and no one likes a loser. Lawyer Chris Daw exposed Harry’s failure telling GB News: “Prince Harry … would just say, ‘Well, I got this from my lawyers.’ That’s not going to wash …”

Daw sums up much of American and UK opinion about Harry by saying “I think the only way it gets back on track, and it’s rather difficult to see how it can happen, is with something more substantial in terms of evidence.” He’s talking about Harry’s latest legal case but he might as well be talking about the prince’s post-Megxit life.

For someone who hasn’t even hit 40, Harry’s life is a cautionary tale about fables, fairytales, and failed intentions. Maybe he can have a midlife crisis in reverse?

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Editorial credit: Loredana Sangiuliano /

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    I prefer Harry o Meghan. Too bad they married. Does she really love Harry; or only wants his title;and standing in British society?