Royal Family News: Three Whoppers In Prince Harry’s Memoir That NEVER Ever Happened

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry has been on a torrid PR run for his memoir Spare. He makes the usual fiery accusations about his so-called negligent fam, but he also makes some claims that appear incorrect, to put it mildly.

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For example, he makes bold claims about an airline, Henry VI and an Xbox gift but each were torn apart by pros and amateurs who gave proof online that Random House failed to fact check the mouthy prince of clowns. Why did a respected publisher allow, “inaccuracy and lack of fact-checking on a project that cost a reported £16million ($20million)?” That’s a good question. They have not responded yet.

Here are three times Harry’s mouth seems to have run away with him.

Royal Family News – Harry’s Spare

In Spare, Harry the duke of Sussex claims that King Henry VI is his, “great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather.” This Henry founded Eton College and died in 1471. But historians pointed out on social media that the accuracy of Harry’s link to Henry VI, is dubious at best. Royal watcher Patricia Treble noted that Henry VI, “had no descendants after his son’s death in 1471.” Oopsie.

Royal Family News: Three Whoppers In Prince Harry's Memoir That NEVER Ever Happened

Royal Family News – Harry’s Spare Inaccuracies

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Harry also made an absurd claim about an Xbox. He declared that his aunt, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, gave him an Xbox for his 13th birthday in 1997. Oops he did it again, as the Daily Mail notes, “the best-selling device was first released in the United States four years later in 2001.” According to Harry, he was eating cake and sorbet during the celebrations: “I tore at the wrapping paper, the ribbon. I peered inside… It was an Xbox. I was pleased. I loved video games.”

Royal Family News – Harry’s Memoir Is Titled Spare Like Him

Random Hose claimed yesterday that the prince’s juicy memoir is the fastest selling non-fiction book ever. Yet it seems more like fiction. Harry’s third wild inaccurate claim regards, “a first-class Air New Zealand flight from Mexico to the UK booked for Meghan’s estranged father, Thomas. In the book, the duke writes: ‘Air New Zealand, first class, booked and paid for by Meg. We told him, leave Mexico right now: A whole new level of harassment is about to rain down on you, so come to Britain. Now.”

Um, just one problem: a spokesperson for Air NZ told that the airline has never, ever, done flights between Mexico and the United Kingdom.

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It’s up to you—if you want to buy an already half-priced book–Spare is being sold for £14, not the recommended retail price of £28—let the buyer beware.

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