Royal Family News: When And Where Will Prince William And Prince Harry Bury The Hatchet?

British royal family news reveals that reportedly estranged Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge are still tentative about rebuilding their bro bond. A source is blabbing all to Us Weekly and we have the dirt for you here. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about the reported royal rift.

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Royal Family News -Prince Harry Has A Long Way To Go?

The insider spilled, “Harry did speak to William while he was in the U.K., so in that respect, they made some progress. But they definitely haven’t reached the stage where all is forgiven nor have they buried the hatchet.”

The brothers met up in April at Prince Philip’s funeral. It was the first time Harry and his wife Meghan relocated to the United States over a year ago. After the service at St George’s Chapel, Harry was filmed talking to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they walked back to the palace.

Royal Family News – Prince William Has A Long Memory

Body language expert Elaine Swann told Us of her impression of this interaction which occurred on April 17. According to her, “William did his best to open his body language toward his brother. You have to look at the fact that he turned it toward him. And so, in that opening, that’s saying, ‘Come on in. Let’s talk, let’s chat.’ He didn’t walk side by side, but he actually turned toward his brother.” In other words, baby steps folks, baby steps.

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Royal Family News – No Hatchet Burying Yet

We confirmed on Thursday, April 29, that Harry and Meghan sent William and Kate congrats for their 10th wedding anniversary. The Markle PR team was the likely party behind the spill and it was reported that the palace did not approve of their continued leak of private interactions.

As such, Harry’s relationship with Prince Charles is allegedly rocky. The family feud took a giant leap forward after Harry and Meghan’s Oprah Winfrey tell-all interview in March.

A source told Us, “Charles is still fuming about Harry throwing shade at him and the royal family in the big interview and won’t let it drop. But to be honest, Harry didn’t go running back to Charles begging for forgiveness either.”

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That much is correct–Harry whined to the media that he wants an apology and still hasn’t got it.

The source added, “To put it bluntly, it’s unlikely that we’ll be seeing Harry and Charles making amends anytime soon.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    The source and cause of all this trouble is Me-again! There was never any tension before she came on the scene. As long as Me-again is around, spreading her venom, there will never be the harmony between the brothers that existed before. Harry did a terrible thing bringing Me-again in to his family….she is the biggest mistake of his life. Just look at all the trouble she has caused!!!! Me-again cannot be trusted, and now, neither can Harry.

  • Guest

    Why would William want to associate with racist Harry who was racist towards Asians before it was fashionable and wore a Nazi uniform?
    Why would William want to associate with a person who went on Oprah while Philip was dying, lying over 17 times (and they admitted they lied), and will be releasing another tell all to discuss the funeral and Oprah interview?
    Why would he want to associate with a person whose wife was able to go to a baby shower in New York while being held hostage, suicidal, with no passport?
    I wouldn't want to associate with a person like that.

  • Guest

    Well said!!!

  • Jezz

    The royal family obviously love Harry despite him being untrustworthy, uncouth and callous. Now he has shown himself to be such a man they must now obviously adjust and figure out how they can unconditionally love this family member without letting him, along with his Hollywood cronies use the family for false propaganda to make money and harm the monarchy. I ask myself why are Harry's so called friends so keen to listen to and promote false allegations about the UK monarchy. They didn't even bother to validate what was being said in his interview, so eager were they for blood. They have their Hollywood careers and their own president, so why is Hollywood so concerned with abetting Harry's false statements to harm his family and worse cause issue with the people of the UK? This situation could potentially cause serious issue between the US and UK. Harry is a spiteful little man who is so jealous he can't be king he wants to crap on his entire family and country for revenge.

  • Guest

    The hatchet has already been buried….in Williams back!

  • Guest

    Yes…….this is true!!! What a villain Harry has turned out to be.