Royal Family News: Why Don’t Canadians Want Prince Charles’ Face On Their Money?

British royal family news shows that Canadians will have a difficult choice to make when Prince Charles ascends the throne following the reign of his mother Queen Elizabeth. Next year is the queen’s Platinum Jubilee which commemorates 70 years as the monarch of the UK. Queen Elizabeth’s portrait graces government buildings as well as currency.

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According to the National Post, when Prince Charles becomes King, his image will replace the queen’s. Are Canadians on board with that or might there be some resistance from a populace known worldwide for their gracious manners and friendly dispositions?

Royal Family News – The Queen Is 95-Years Old

By all accounts, Canadian’s are quite fond of the Queen. Will Charles receive the same level of loyalty and good will as his mother before him? According to the outlet, there may come a time when the nation no longer wants the monarch’s visage all over the place, colloquially speaking. Would it really come to that, nixing the idea of Charles’ face in one’s wallet, or peering down from government offices?

Philippe Lagassé is a professor at Carleton University and he weighs in on the matter. According to him, rejecting Charles’ mug on these things is possible without affecting Canada’s status as a monarchy.

Royal Family News – The Queen Is Well Liked In Canada

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At the moment the Queen’s image is on the nation’s coins and $20 bill. Her influence extends to practical matters such as lawyers being called Queen’s Counsel and an oath of allegiance to the Queen is made by new citizens, members of Parliament, police officers and members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Lagassé thinks that many current royal symbols could come up for debate when Charles ascends the throne, including all of the aforementioned items and actions.

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Tom Freda is the co-founder of anti-monarchy group Citizens for a Canadian Republic. He goes a step further and claims that there will be, “an immense amount of opposition to swearing an oath to King Charles the Third, or seeing King Charles the Third on our money.”

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According to him, “The Queen’s reputation and the favor that Canadians have towards the Queen is not even remotely matched by Prince Charles. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this, that the main reason all of those symbols have been retained is because of Canadians’ affection for the Queen. Those affections aren’t there for Prince Charles.”

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