Royal Family News: Will the Monarchy Die With Queen Elizabeth?

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British royal family news reveals that as Queen Elizabeth prepares to turn 95 this year, rumors and innuendo swirl over her longevity. Can she continue to reign supreme? Will she voluntarily give up the big girl chair to her patient son 70-something Prince Charles?

These are not idle questions. The age thing is real and COVID has made the entire world stand up and take notice of our human limitations. Maybe the queen and Philip want to enjoy retirement, finally?

British Royal Family News – Will the Queen Relent?

Queen Elizabeth is celebrating the 69th anniversary of her accession to the throne this weekend. The eyes are on her from all around the world and the speculation will continue to ramp up as the year wears on.

What will happen when Britain’s longest reigning monarch dies? From her first day as Queen in 1952, she has been devout to the Crown and careful about retaining the mystery the monarchy needs to survive. Except for that recently leaked documentary that she herself sanctioned. Everyone steps in the doo once in a while. Unless your name is Harry, and apparently he is making a home in the weeds.

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UK Royal Family News – Queen Elizabeth Is An Institution And Beloved By Generations

Actually, in recent times the Crown has had its share of scandal, Harry is not the only one to blame for that. Last year it was Megxit and the year before that Prince Andrew’s Jeffrey Epstein mess. Neither man is associated with The Firm in actuality in 2021 and that has left a sizable void, a rip in the once firm firmament.
Given this backdrop the monarchy naysayers have become emboldened. Graham Smith is CEO of Republic and he has been especially vocal about abolishing the monarchy in recent months.

This reality has given rise to questions about whether Prince Charles has the support needed to thrive as king.

Royal Family News – Will Prince Charles Thrive And Will He Even Become King?

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Will taciturn and controversy prone Charles be accepted by the public as king? There are many who would prefer that his younger, less scandal prone son Prince William and his uber popular wife, Duchess Kate, simply take over for the queen. They are a photogenic pair, with three adorable tots, and have stepped up to fill the void caused by the departure of Andrew and Harry.

Only time will tell how the real life version of The Crown plays out.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    It will continue as long as the let allow it.

  • Jezz

    My view is, so long as the majority of the people want them they can continue keeping the monarchy and ranks of senior Royals so long as they are hardworking, respectful, intelligent and considerate of the people of the UK and Commonwealth. If however they bring shame, political concern and show disrespect to the people of the UK, Commonwealth and their allies then they should be retired from service, else they put the entire service of the monarchy in jeopardy. I'm not going argue against those who would abolish the monarchy if they continue to permit the likes of Harry and Andrew to provide ammunition for dismantling the monarchy. The Queen has up to this point kept good reason to keep the monarchy by her loyal service, dedication and hard work.