Royal Family News: William And Kate Bunking With Harry And Meghan Is A “Lose-Lose” Proposition

British royal family news shows ‘tis the season for family gatherings, reunions and shared holiday meals. It’s unlikely that Harry and Meghan make it over the pond with their kiddos this year, by all reports. But Prince William and Duchess Kate will be in the United States next year, so will there be a happy reunion of the Fab Four?

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According to royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti, it is “unlikely” that the Sussex’s host the Cambridge’s for a sleepover.

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He told Us Weekly ,“It’s like so many of these things — it’s a sort of lose-lose situation. If they get invited and they decline, it seems petty and nasty. And if they don’t get invited, it seems petty and nasty from the other side. And if they do accept such an invitation and something goes terribly wrong, that seems like a bad idea. I can’t quite see how this would work.”

Royal Family News – A Lose-Lose Situation

In October William announced that his environmental initiative, The Earthshot Prize, will give out its second round of prizes in the US. Harry and Meghan are now in California which seems like the ideal time for the two couples to break bread and mend fences.

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It has been a long time since the two couples were in the same place at the same time. Let alone with smiles on their faces. Harry has been back twice since Megxit, with Meghan choosing to stay home over visiting the in-laws she trashed on tv.

Royal Family News – Will Harry Mend Fences?

Royal expert Stewart Pearce told Us that the couples were trying to work through their tension: “I know that the four are talking with one another and they’re talking by Zoom [and by] FaceTime.”

But there is still “distance” between the brothers, according to Meghan’s “soul mate” and most ardent defender, Omid Scobie. He told Entertainment Tonight in September: “[There are] still feelings of anger [about] the way the couple carried out their departure from their royal lives,” noting that William, “has not been able to come to terms with [it] yet.”

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Is Scobie Doo right? They say time heals all wounds, and perhaps 2022 will be the year that Harry and Meghan see the error of their ways and apologize to the royal family, not the other way around.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Prince William should leave Harry alone. Harry made a choice and now he can live with it. Meghan is evil. I would never trust her.

  • Guest

    I hope this won't happen…..they would not be safe under the same roof with evil MM…I would not trust her…and I am sure the Cambridges will have their own accommodation arranged. MM is so jealous of Catherine gosh knows what she might do to her. JMHO!!

  • M. Payton

    ?………Why is it necessary for either Harry or William to mend fences? I mean after all each is an adult with their own family and yes keeping families close is important and I get that, yet we are all individuals in our own right, so if someone does not want to mend fences that should be okay to…….I say to each his own life and go about your own business and just make sure you do not hurt anyone else. We are each responsible for our own lives and decisions, so Harry, go live in Ca and William go live in England, just do not bad mouth each other, life is to damn short to be mean and ugly to anyone.