Royal Family News: Would You Call Princess Anne’s Diet Healthy Or Gross?

Royal Family news reveals that Princess Anne has an odd culinary taste when it comes to her breakfast. Continue reading and we’ll get you to the bottom of it.

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Royal Family News – Princess Anne’s Strange Banana Preference

Royal Family news reveals that Princess Anne likes to start her day off with a healthy bowl of fruit, jumpstarting her metabolism with a healthy, albeit sugary kick. However, according to Hello! Magazine, the way the Princess Royal takes her bananas might make you a bit queasy.

Express UK reports that the Queen’s daughter has a strange way of eating her bananas, preferring them past their prime, so to speak. Former royal chef Darren McGrady reportedly told TODAY that Princess Anne “almost always preferred the bananas almost black – overripe – because they digest easier.”

Why They’re Healthier

Princess Anne is, after all, one of the busiest of the Senior Royals despite being over 71 years of age. The royal reportedly stays fit and active with a balanced diet and strict exercise regime. Fans often want to know how she stays so fit aside from diet and exercise.

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It is worth noting that overripe bananas are actually healthier than their less mature counterparts. As the flesh of the fruit begins to darken, the starch and chlorophyll within begin breaking down into sugar. This is also why bakers tend to prefer the bananas they use to be ripe.

In fact, as Spoon University research puts it, “a full brown banana is an antioxidant powerhouse.”

A Kiwi A Day Might Keep Doctors Away

Though the princess likes her bowl of overly ripe fruit in the morning, she also reportedly snacks on fruit throughout the day, mostly kiwi. The royal’s daughter Zara Tindall says her mum carries a kiwi fruit with her for when she lacks energy.

“She [Princess Anne] always has a kiwi fruit,” Zara said, in the bestselling royal biography Queen of Our Times: The Life of Elizabeth II, written by Robert Hardman and released earlier this year.

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Kiwis have often been described, by proponents of the label, as a “super fruit” as it contains high levels of vitamins C and K and aid in the digestion of meat and other sources of protein. Not surprisingly, kiwis are rich in antioxidants, like overripe bananas, and reportedly can contribute to overall well-being.

Healthy Diet Is Just A Start

According to The Slimming Clinic medical director Charlotte Norton, “The fact that Princess Anne exemplifies good health shows that she must lead an active and healthy lifestyle.”

She went on to explain that “while the usual weight loss rules would have applied, such as burning more calories than she consumed, eating lean meat, reducing sugary foods with little to no nutritional value, and avoiding fad diets, there are additional things that I believe Princess Anne would have done.”

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Editorial credit: Art Babych /


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