Royal Fans Question Prince Charles’ Coronavirus Recovery While Camila Parker-Bowles Is Still In Self-Isolation

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Some royal watchers are calling foul after Prince Charles seemed to miraculously recover from his Coronavirus infection. How in the world could Prince Charles have recovered so fast? After all, it was only one week from the moment doctors diagnosed the Prince of Wales to the moment Charles was declared virus free! That’s a mere seven days! Is there something special about Prince Charles’s immune system? Could someone have provided medicine to Prince Charles, which is available only to those with privilege?

Royal Fans Question Prince Charles’ Coronavirus Recovery While Camila Parker-Bowles Is Still In Self-Isolation

Some conspiracy theorists would have the public believe so. However, the truth is that the NHS suggests that if an individual comes into contact with someone who is known to have the virus, then that person should self-isolate for two weeks. In fact, this is why Camilla, Prince Charles’s wife is still in isolation even though her husband is not. It can up to two weeks for symptoms to appear. In that time, a person could be asymptomatic but still infectious. In other words, a person may spread the virus during that time even though he or she doesn’t display classic symptoms of infection.

Fans of Prince Charles may remember that he was recently at a major water and climate summit in London. At the same event, Prince Albert of Monaco was present and apparently was already infected with the Coronavirus. While Prince Albert denied passing the virus on to Prince Charles, it’s obvious that all those present were exposed. With that said, it’s possible that Prince Charles was infected with the Covid-19 virus long before the event he shared with Prince Albert. After all, Prince Charles began showing symptoms of infection just a few days after that gathering of leaders from government, business and multilateral institutions.

Now, apparently Prince Charles is on the road to full recovery.

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The Prince of Wales is reported to have been only mildly affected by the virus. Many royal fans are happy to hear that news, no doubt! Still, Prince Charles is practicing social distancing. Charles continues to isolate himself from the majority of the public. With all that said, Prince Charles continues to work on behalf of the British people. Indeed, Charles has recorded several messages of hope in an effort to cheer citizens of Great Britain and the commonwealth nations.

In those messages, Prince Charles has suggested that he understood what it was like for all those, particularly the elderly who are finding themselves going through isolation, loneliness, and perhaps sickness and even deaths of loved ones. More importantly, he praised the fact that there are truly wonderful people, neighbors, individuals, groups of volunteers, etc. who are helping those at risk. And last but not least, that the current situation cannot last.

Some royal fans may agree that outside of Prince Charles’s messages, it is encouraging that one of the highest profile British citizens has beaten the Coronavirus. Now, the only thing to complete the encouraging picture of a virus free Charles, is the visage of Camilla released from her confinement at Birkhall and at her husband’s side once more!

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