Royals Rift – Divide Between Harry/Meghan and William/Kate Goes Deeper Than People Realize

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Royal news reveals multiple sources have come forward about the rift between two couples in the family. People magazine reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s divide with Prince William and Kate Middleton goes deeper than the public realizes. Keep reading to learn the details!

Remembrance Day Distance

Earlier this month, Prince Harry and Meghan reunited with Prince William and Kate for Remembrance Day events. While everyone was doing what they were supposed to, many couldn’t help but notice the tension and distance between the two Royal couples.

Divide Began Over Meghan Markle

The latest Royal news teases that the divide between the two couples goes much deeper than the public realizes. According to one source that spoke to the magazine, it all began two years ago when William warned his brother to slow things down with the American actress.

As one would imagine, that probably didn’t sit well with the smitten prince. Eventually, Meghan learned of it and it could have caused some strain on the relationship. The bitterness from that discussion seems to have created ripples, even affecting the couples today.

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Royal Competition

There is also the added complication of an already existing competition between the two princes, a source alleges. William is going to be King in the future, but that doesn’t stop any feelings of resentment or jealousy with Harry. It is normal for siblings to compete, though, as long as the rivalry doesn’t get out of hand.

Prince Harry and Prince William’s New Lives

With that being said, one source explained that changes in their relationship is only because of Prince and Harry both opening new chapter in their lives.

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“As is often the case in any family, when one of your siblings gets married, there’s always a period of readjustment.”

Royal Family: Different Paths

However, it was also stated that the Royal siblings will be civil, but are on completely different paths in life. While we don’t know what is really going on among the couples, we do hope they can get past any difficulties. After all, you only get one family and they should be joining together to stay strong instead of being driven apart.

What do you think of what a source is claiming about Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William and Kate Middleton?

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Camilla Parker BowlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePaul BurrellPrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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    More fodder for the tabloids!