Sarah Ferguson Speaks Out On Relationship With Prince Andrew

The Duke and Duchess of York have a rather unconventional relationship. In fact, even though the pair divorced in 1996 they reportedly still live together. And at this time they are said to be isolated with each other against the coronavirus.

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Being friendly after a divorce is not unheard of, but have these two take it to the outer limits? In the midst of their relationship today they are also undergoing severe scrutiny in their personal lives.

Sarah And Andrew Are Thick As Thieves Post-Divorce

In one instance, the couple is receiving unwelcome attention after allegedly defaulting on a chateau they have a stake in. They allegedly have been in arrears since December 31 when they failed to make a £5million payment on the getaway.

Since that time the debt has increased to a whopping £6.7million with interest. Why haven’t they paid their bills? The original owner wants to know that as well and has taken legal action against the close couple as a way of making them pay up.

Is It true That Andrew And Sarah Apparently Don’t Pay Their Bills?

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At this point, it may not help that the owner has been forced to take legal action, as a source close to the pair told The Telegraph their, “income streams had dried up,” following the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

In other words, no one wants to touch Andrew with a ten-foot pole nor have him as their spokesperson after his relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein hit the news.

Is this the reason they can’t pay their bills and have reportedly had to ask for more time to make the payment on the £15million house in Verbier?

Are Sarah And Andrew Living In The Poorhouse Together?

Sarah is sticking close to Andrew despite the bad publicity he’s accrued. They have praised and defended each other multiple times over the years and there are even speculative rumors of another attempt at marriage.

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What’s behind this? It hinges on Sarah’s words in an interview with the Daily Mail in 2018. At that time she shed light on what she really thinks of her chances with Prince Andrew.

“We’re the happiest divorced couple in the world, she noted. “We’re divorced to each other, not from each other. We both say it. We are entirely compatible. Our bywords are communication, compromise, and compassion.”

In fact, Sarah has said that her wedding day, July 23, 1986, was the happiest day of her life.

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  • Guest

    Good for them!