The Royal Family Can’t Trust Prince Harry, Return Blocked

It looks like it’s going to take a little bit more work for Prince Harry to repair his relationship with the royal family.

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Even though he desperately wants to end his feud with King Charles and Prince William because he misses his family, it’s not going to be that quick or that easy.

That’s because there are very few people behind closed palace doors that trust him, if any at all. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Return Blocked: The Royal Family Can’t Trust Prince Harry

With both King Charles and Kate Middleton out of commission because of their health woes, the royal family certainly could use a lot of help.

There have been reports suggesting Prince Harry wants to step in on a part-time basis until his father King Charles is feeling better again.

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Sources say that it’s not going to happen. That’s because he can’t have one foot in and one foot out with the royal family.

Not only that, but they are afraid that if Harry does come back, he’s going to end up spilling tea about the royal family again. It goes without saying that many royal critics feel the same way.

Some have even taken to social media to weigh in on the matter with, They don’t trust him, they think any conversation they have with him will end up in a book hence why all meetings are kept to a minimum and as brief as possible,” along with, “The King has NO intention of letting Harry back into the family in any way, shape, or form. The fact the meeting itself was no longer than 30 mins & with the Queen present, & the helicopter ready to go, says it all.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince Harry?

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And then there was this comment as well: It’s pretty obvious that they use his father’s illness to try and get back in. It’s not going to work, but it’s interesting to see how calculated the Sussexes operate.”

So far Buckingham Palace has made no comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Pete Hancock /

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  • Robyn

    His family didn’t care much for them before they left. His wife was vilified in the papers constantly and the family didn’t treat much better. So they no alternative but to leave.

  • noellastober

    For all the wrongs done to the royal family from H &M does anyone blame the family for feeling the way they do? This is such a horrible situation for H & M to be in, but then again they caused the problem. Her for starting the ugliness and him for letting it happen. The wanna be queen really messed up everything, even down to the children. H & M want instant forgiveness and that does not happen with real families.

    King Charles and Queen Camilla have been utterly hurt, to say the least. Harry let the secrets of the family out in the open and even hurt the family name that way. Now with William and Kate, the strong bond between them is totally broken and the trust there is gone, maybe forever.

    Then you have Andrew who might think that when his brother dies, William will let him back into thee fold. That will never happen because in a totally different way, Andrew di the unspeakable, like child molestation and rape to say the least. Everyone in that case cannot be wrong Too many people back up the ugly stories and tons of money have been paid out and for such an innocent man. The world is far from stupid Andrew and you messed up really bad. Andrew. Many things could have been done bad in your case but you really stepped over the line on this issue. You do not belong to get back into good graces ever with the family and I am sure William will make sure of that once he is the king. Andrew your brother is totally against you, so why not his son, your nephew I would never let you near my family again, if it was me Get use to it, you are a gonner for good

    As for the king I wish him the best of health and a quick recovery from his cancer. I personally am a cancer survivor and may God give him only the best. Then he can retire and enjoy the rest of his life, helping with the monarchy, teaching his son whatever else he will need to learn but enjoy the rest of his life with his wife.

    And as for you William. you can run the country with your family and do all the best you have ever learned from your mom, dad and especially your grandma. You are the one who kept your level head screwed on correctly with minimal antics as a youngster, You will lead the country back to where it is suppose to be. I wish you best of luck with the battle you suffer with what to do with Harry, but in the end your decision will prevail. May the rest of your family always do well and may God protect you always Your future job is a very tuff one but you, Kate, the children will all do fine. Stay strong young man. Prayers from across the pond always for you