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The Royal Family Wants Meghan Markle To Keep Their Distance: No One Trusts Her Anymore

British Royal Family News says if peace talks are going to happen, you better believe that Meghan Markle won’t be there. There’s a new report that says King Charles is looking to end his long-running feud with his son, Prince Harry, by having peace talks with him in the coming weeks. But if there’s one person that he doesn’t want anywhere near him or the rest of the family, it’s his daughter-in-law, Meghan. Here’s what you need to know.

The Royal Family Wants Meghan Markle To Keep Their Distance: No One Trusts Her Anymore

Royal expert Duncan Larcombe told Fox News Digital in a new interview that if relations were to ever improve between Prince Harry and the rest of the royal family, it would only happen if his wife stayed as far away as possible from everyone.

That’s because they believe the Duchess of Sussex has done enough damage as it is. But before that happens though, Harry is going to have to sit with his father and his brother, Prince William, to clear the air once and for all.


Larcombe put it this way,Feelings between Prince William and Prince Harry are still running so strong that I think King Charles would think long and hard about going behind William’s back and trying to make peace with Harry. I just don’t think that time has come yet. I’m not saying it never will. But I think we’re a long way off.”

Meghan Might Leak Details About The Summit To The Press

Now, one of the reasons why no one trusts Meghan Markle is because there’s just no knowing if she will do a tell-all interview after she talks to anyone in the royal family.

The last thing anyone needs right now is for someone like Meghan to leak confidential or secretive details and information about such sensitive matters.

Larcombe added, “If … they do have a summit, that will only happen on the basis that it’s in the strictest confidence and the details of that conversation would never go anywhere else.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  1. Roger says

    Yep u are absolutely right on . And by the way if she enjoys gossip so much maybe somebody should send her to some foreign country where she don’t understand the language just her no one else

    1. Mary says

      She’s a manipulative nasty person. She deserves what she gets!!! Nothing good. She’s a horrible person

  2. Roger ray says

    If she likes gossip so much maybe you should put her in a foreign country where she don’t speak the language I think that would be most appropriate and no harm whatsoever should come to her

  3. Harry says

    Meghan Markle is no good or have no class for the the British people

  4. Sheila says

    If you don’t think Harry won’t run straight home and tell Megan everything that is said in any ‘summit’ meetings with the RF then I have some property on Mars I’ll sell real cheap. He is the most hen-pecked husband in the world and is too dumb to realize Megan’s motives.

  5. Deborah M White says

    Sad Situation for All about Meghan remarks about Prince Harry’s Family. Let her just go with her friends, not her family cause she don’t want to associate with them. Her Hollywood life seems to be more important. Prince Harry & Their children can get to know Dad’s Family & life in Britain. Queen Elizabeth must be ready to bang their heads together & get this mess straightened out.

  6. Cathy says

    She is mean and deceptive, I don’t think she should be trusted

  7. Debi says

    I hope harry can rectify things with his royal family. They all need to be adults as there are children involved that should beable to know the family

  8. Susie Kimbell says

    We ALL fall short of perfect in the eyes of GOD. ROMANS 3:13 These are very BIG MEN and Adults as well, so I have FAITH these men can come together and heal each other with the power of GOD in there hearts. The KING is in charge of the Church of England and is also expected to be a symbol of that great church. If these men would just sit and read there BIBLES going to the New Testament and the chapter of JOHN would be helpful in there new goals to work forward togetherness in doing in a much more very, very serious way. The power that is in JESUS love is amazing and beautiful, wonderful and transforming to those that accept him very seriously and love him with all your hearts. He can help them more than they can ever understand and bring love and joy back into there wonderful hard working family and into the life’s of them all around them and into themselves so highly with JESUS in them. I will be praying for them to receive and understanding the love JESUS has waiting for them all and there families as well. We all have this gift if we just work to receive it for ourselves. ♥️

  9. Marge says

    I would never trust Meghan, but what about Harry? Who’s to say he won’t be enticed to spill everything to Meghan? And Meghan seems incapable of keeping her mouth shut.

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