The Windsors Are Freezing Out Prince Harry

So that’s why they are refusing to see him and turning their backs on him each time he comes back home to the UK. There’s a new report that says  the Windsors are indifferent to Prince Harry as they are all apparently “freezing him out.” Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Royal Family News – The Windsors Are Freezing Out Prince Harry

Apparently, Prince Harry is going to have to try a little bit harder if he wants to win over his family members again.

That’s because no one wants anything to do with him, especially after all of the ways that he’s thrown his family under the bus in his multiple tell-all interviews and memoir, Spare.

According to Fox News, Christopher Andersen, who has written plenty of books about the royals in the past, said that Harry shouldn’t expect anyone in the UK to respond back to one of his  texts.

Andersen put it this way,They have chosen to ignore Harry, to freeze him out, and to not let him get under their skin when they are facing so many critical challenges. In a way, I think that is even sadder. It’s been said that hate isn’t the opposite of love – indifference is.”

AMP in the post

Royal Family News – Everyone Is Pretending Like Prince Harry Doesn’t Exist

He continued, “Right now, the royal family is united in its determination to act as if Harry and Meghan don’t exist. One hopes that won’t last forever, and that either William or the king will be courageous and far-sighted enough to take the olive branch Harry repeatedly extends to them.

Finding a legitimate part-time royal role for Harry and his family could be a huge shot in the arm for the monarchy at a time when the royals need all the help they can get. But at the moment, it’s not looking good.”

So far Prince Harry himself has not responded to the criticism, although at this point it’s doubtful that he would.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

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Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: chrisukphoto /

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  • Dogmom

    Harry and Megan have gotten away with too much too long. Ignoring them is probably the best thing to do, gives them less chance to do more whining and spreading rumors and their idea of the truth. They are vicious people and only want to destroy what they believe to be in their way

  • Joan

    What “olive branch” has Harold extended? I’ll wait….

  • Giovina

    Harry should apologize for all the drama and hurt they have caused. Their titles should’ve been stripped long ago too bad their consequences. “She” is out to get the royals all because she isn’t number one and or equal to William a kate. Who does she think she is! And Harry should always realize he is down the line not even the spare anymore!!!!

  • G

    This all has gone on way too long ? RF are stuffiest people ever. Prince Harry and Meghan could do so much to help the RF if they would let them in and travel part time for the Royals , people love them . Charles is being terrible not to see is son before he dies . They are treating them like dogs , sorry apologies needs to be done for all , if the queen was here it would be done and over .who know how Kate really is . I couldn’t go to my grave knowing my boys and family weren’t talking . Willy when he becomes the King he’ll get rid of Prince Harry and Meghan, Camilla making all the decisions I can’t wait tell she goes away when King passes . Willy wife must be really sick to take a year off , I wonder if she in coma , I wish the truth would come out , they wanted the world to know she has cancer , so many people emotionally could help her that has what she has . My brother is dying of cancer was told 6 months, he chose no chemotherapy because he had 6 months , he in the tried mode now . I love him and can’t imagine not hugging him and saying goodbye tell we meet again . I was a big princess Diana follower , we were pregnant at the same time with Willy and my son , we all know what RF family did to her . I don’t blame Meghan for not going to UK , she not safe . They mean well and hope they can all meet in one room and talk about everything, before Charles dies . Bless you all ❤️❤️

  • Debby

    I’ve yet to see or hear an apology from Harry.

  • ablalo

    NO – no role for the Markles in the RF!