US Congressman Demands Interfering Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Be Stripped Of Their Royal Titles

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Royal family news reveals Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have received an epic amount of public criticism over their overt political conduct in the US but now one lawmaker is taking the outrage a step further by demanding the British government take action against them.

One US congressman is asking Queen Elizabeth to take away Meghan and Harry’s royal titles due to their “interfering” in the upcoming Presidential election.

Congressman Jason Smith of Missouri is claiming that the two recently relocated royals are using their titles to sway voters and notes that the United States has expressed concern over foreign interference in the election.

Congressman wants Meghan and Harry stripped of their royal titles

According to, on Friday Smith planned to send a letter with his request to British Ambassador to the United States Karen Pierce.

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Harry and Meghan have been deliberately speaking out on politics and the upcoming election despite the British Royal Family’s policy of neutrality in regard to political issues. Smith is, “concerned by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s recent comments regarding the United States Presidential Election, especially given international conversations surrounding foreign interference in our elections and the Duke’s status as a guest of the United States.”

Just days ago the two went on television and urged people to vote with their words taken by many as an endorsement of candidate Joe Biden. Particularly troubling is the fact that some states had already begun early voting when Harry implored people to, “reject hate speech,” and Meghan practically sobbed that this election is the, “most important election of our lifetime.”

One US congressman wants Harry and Meghan to stop “interfering” in the upcoming election

Smith described what Meghan and Harry did as, “a serious breach of the British Royal Family’s policy of political neutrality and an inappropriate act of domestic interference by one of our closest allies.”

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He noted that the two are private citizens yet insist on using their titles which could infer that their opinions represent the Royal Family which would mean the Royal Family is in effect interfering in the American election.

He added, “It is my view the titles and privileges they retain by permission of Her Majesty the Queen, given with the advice and consent of her government, prevent the Duke and Duchess from separating comments made in a personal capacity from their official position within the British Royal Family.”

Meghan is a U.S. citizen but Harry is not and his immigration status is currently unclear. This spring a source told the Sunday Times that Harry had no intention of becoming a citizen or a permanent resident.

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  • Guest

    The Queen needs to shut down the circus.