‘We Can All Do Better,’ Except Prince Harry Doesn’t Count Himself In That Remark

By now, everyone and their neighbor have heard all about how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were tooling around Los Angeles in a gas-guzzling SUV that only gets about 14 miles per gallon. The vehicle, which Prince Harry and Meghan were photographed riding around in was a Cadillac Escalade.

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now being criticized heavily since the SUV, which costs around $80,000 is considered to be one of the least environmentally-friendly vehicles one can own. Apparently, the couples’ actions put the lie to Harry’s past comments when he suggested that he always offsets, “my CO2.”

If it was only the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan drove around a bit in L.A. in luxury and style (while ignoring the gas hog nature of the SUV) then many might find it in their hearts to forgive the two. However, as critics are pointing out, while Prince Harry goes around lecturing everyone on the need for conservation and his belief that the human race only has 12 years before extinction if we continue on the path we’re currently walking … he and Meghan are jumping on private jets and flying their personal Range Rover to Africa.

Of course, Harry has his own excuses. “It’s all about balance,” explained Harry the Preaching Prince. “Occasionally there needs to be an opportunity based on unique circumstances to ensure my family is safe.” (What? Couldn’t Prince Harry keep “his family” safe while renting a perfectly good car in Africa? He had to fly his Range Rover there to keep Meghan safe? How does that even make sense?)

That also begs the question as to how allowing Sir Elton John to fly the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on a private jet to his home in France kept the couple “safe.” Prince Harry and Meghan couldn’t have taken their security detail and headed over with others on a 2-hour flight from London to Nice, which would have cost them each roughly $96? “We can all do better,” can we Harry?

Sadly, Prince Harry and Meghan’s hypocrisy doesn’t appear set to stop anytime soon. While Prince Harry and Meghan both went on ad nauseum prior to “Megxit” about their need for privacy and their desire to get away from it all in order to “protect” their little family, the truth is that they’re striving pretty hard to be noticed. As many commentators have noted, since arriving in Los Angeles, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been increasingly political in just about every public appearance they’ve made.

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From Meghan’s speech to teens graduating her former high school to the pair jumping on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon to even broader issues of gender and economic equality, the former senior Royals are no strangers to stirring the pot. Many believe this is merely a cynical attempt by Prince Harry and Meghan to capitalize on trending issues so that they can find firms, such as the Harry Walker Agency in New York (with whom they did sign) that will book them for lucrative engagements.

There are, after all, many reports that Meghan Markle especially wants to get out from under the financial thumb of Buckingham Palace once and for all. Still, even having signed with a firm where Harry and Meghan will reportedly pull in $1 Million each for speaking engagements, they haven’t earned a penny yet. Until now, they continue to rely on funds from Prince Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall.

The bottom line is that while many don’t mind the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan live in the lap of luxury, it’s absolutely intolerable that those in ivory towers should live by the principle, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Many celebs live large but they don’t go around telling US NOT TO at the same time.

  • Guest

    They were never suited, she was enamoured with playing princess and I feel she has done everything in her power to upset the balance of power in the royal family, then ran back to North America when she finished causing havoc!
    I think that I stick by my original opinion of Harry and Meghan .

  • Guest

    About what ! ? If it’s about Harry he is a complete Idiot Markle had intentions for The Queen n Harry lest not forget the immediate family, she wanted to be little miss take over rule the Castle .

  • dustycat

    i dont care i love Harry he’s so normal not like the rest of the royal family .But having said this i love the royals and hope they go on for ever ,

  • dustycat

    dont talk about Harry like this ,he’s a lovely young man and wants to live a normal life ,give him a chance ,i’m from England and i dont think you are so please shush up .

  • Guest

    If they are so worried about their carbon footprint then why are they living in such a large house (estate). Surely they do not need that much room.

  • Guest

    I have read about Harry and wife since they got married and I still think that Megan loves attention from wherever she can get it. I THINK SHE IS SELFISH AND SELF-centered. I agree she is filling his head with a bunch of nonsence, playing on his insecurities and if he stays, she is going to ruin his life and relationship with his family and his son. He needs to step up and tell her