Ed Meets Maria
90 Days Ed and Rose arrive outside her family’s home where he meets Maria, her sister. Rose doesn’t know, as far as Ed knows, that Maria approached him for money before he made the trip to the Phillippines. Ed awkwardly greets Maria and they exchange guilty looks before Rose ushers him inside to mee the rest of the family.
Rose introduces him to her other sisters and her brother in law before Ed speaks. Marie, in a short interview, says that Ed is smaller than her and a little fat. All of Rose’s family members seem shocked by Ed’s stature. Can the family accept him as Rose’s fiancé?
90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days – Walls But No Windows?
90 Days Rose asks Ed what he thinks of her home after meeting her family but all he can concentrate on is the lack of window. Ed looks around and sees says everything is ok before asking Rose if there are any flying bats or cockroaches. Ed is also shocked that the home doesn’t have a door either, just what he describes as CD cases that hang together to cover the doorway. Ed is clearly not impressed by what he is seeing. He seems to feel sorry for Rose’s family because of their surroundings. Ed comments that sheets are hanging up to add some color to the otherwise stone walls.
Worse Than Expected
90 days Ed admits that he expected Rose’s home to be bad but he was not prepared for it to be this bad. Ed looked like he was ready to run in the other directions after checking out his surroundings. Rose’s family had food prepared for their arrival as well.
Ed hasn’t even seen the bathroom or the bedrooms yet. Since Ed has to have sheets that are specialized for him because of his skin condition, he isn’t likely to be satisfied with his accommodations at all. Will Rose be insulted if Ed pulls out sheets for her to put on his bed?
90 Days Ed is not good at hiding his true reaction to his surroundings. Rose’s family could easily take offense to Ed and his unfair judgment of their housing. Will Ed and Rose survive this meeting? Should Ed have tried a bit harder to hide his reaction? Has Ed’s reaction offended Rose’s family unintentionally?