’90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days’ Spoilers: STD Test Too Much For Ed And Rosemarie’s Love To Withstand?

'90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days' Spoilers: Was An STD Test Too Much For Ed And Rosemarie’s Love To Withstand?’90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days’ Spoilers star Ed Brown traveled thousands of miles to meet his online girlfriend Rose Marie Vega in the Philippines. Ed claims to be in love with Rose and to want a future with her. However, Ed’s insistence on an STD and subsequent refusal to have one himself has him thinking the romance is over.

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Rose Was Furious With Ed

90 Days Rose and Ed were at dinner when Ed dropped the bomb on her that he wanted her to take an STD test before moving on with their relationship. Rose stated that Ed broke her heart by asking her to undergo this test. After talking to Ed for months, Rose was crushed that he didn’t trust her. After all, Rose trusted Ed enough to leave her child behind and travel to meet him in hopes of having a future with him. Is Ed asking too much of Rose?

’90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days’ Spoilers – Ed Brown Wasn’t Getting The Answers He Needed

90 Days Ed had repeated asked Rose about her son Prince’s father and she would immediately clam up on him. The more questions Ed would ask, the more Rose would avoid him. Rose has even acted like she lost the internet connection while talking to Ed and hung up on him several times. Ed feels that Rose is keeping something from him and he is afraid of getting into a sexual relationship with Rose because he knows nothing about her past. Ed has enough issues with skin sensitivity, he isn’t about to risk getting an STD no matter how much he loves Rose.

Rose Marie Vega Began To Open Up

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90 Days Rose began to give Ed the answer he wanted after he brought up the STD test but he still wanted her to have the test. However, when Rose turned the tables, Ed refused to have the test done as well because he didn’t trust having it done in the Philippines.

Ed said he would have the test done when he returned to the states without hesitation. However, Rose doesn’t know that Ed will stick to this plan and perhaps she has the same worries at Ed does. After all, just because he says he hasn’t dated in almost thirty years doesn’t make it true in her eyes. Rose was so hurt and angry that she insisted on going home alone.

After thinking about how he handled the situation and how badly Rose was hurt, Ed states that he no longer believes in love. After things calmed down, of course, Ed waits in the café for Rose to join him. Ed claims he wants to tell Rose he is sorry and will never ask again. Is Ed’s change of heart too little too late? Ed says he feels it’s over even though he doesn’t want it to be. Will Rose be willing to forgive and forget or was the STD test request the ultimate betrayal in Rose’s eyes?

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90 Day Fiance90 Day Fiance NewsEd BrownReality TVReality TV NewsRose Vega
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