’90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days’ Spoilers: Yolanda Realizes Williams Is Nigerian, Not British – Boyfriend Fake?

90 Days Fiances’ Yolanda Leak has suddenly realized what fans and the stars of Pillow Talk have known for weeks. Now that she knows the truth about Williams, where will she go from here?

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Fans Have Known All Along

Perhaps 90 Days fans are skeptical but when red flags are there, they notice. Fans were stunned that Yolanda thought William’s voice was British when anyone who has heard him talk knew better. It was obvious that Williams had more of an African accent and most people said Nigerian from the beginning. The fact that he always said he phone was broken, yet he could text on it made no sense to most fans.

Fans questioned how Yolanda could be so gullible because it was obvious that something was wrong. Even Yolanda’s daughter suggested a catfish but was shot down. Now that Williams’s true location has been revealed, will Yolanda see the truth?

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days- Williams Photos Were Fake

90 Days Williams has been caught using someone else’s photos on his Instagram as well. Now that Yolanda doesn’t have a single photo of William, will she believe someone is catfishing her? Even Yolanda’s children saw though this scheme and only want their mother to be safe. Will Yolanda continue to try and find Williams now that she knows he is a fraud or will she continue to believe his lies. Yolanda always seems willing to give Williams that benefit of the doubt but now she knows that truth, will she still want to meet him?

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Yolanda Is Lonely

Although 90 Days Yolanda has six kids, she is very lonely. Yolanda’s husband got in trouble and went to prison where he refused to let his family visit him. Therefore, Yolanda has raised her children alone and devoted all of her time to them.

Unfortunately, Yolanda’s husband died in prison and there is no chanced of a reunion. Now that her kids are older, Yolanda is seeking adult companionship and her years out of the game make her an easy target for catfishers waiting to prey on an unsuspecting woman.

Since Yolanda and her daughter have made this discovery, will she finally realize this man is catfishing her and probably other American women as well? Will Yolanda cut ties before she gets in any deeper?

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Fans certainly hope that Yolanda finally wises up and admits what they have seen from the start. Yolanda deserves happiness but not at the expense of being taken to the cleaners by this Nigerian catfisher. Has she learned her lesson or will Yolanda continue to be duped by this conniving Romeo?

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  • Guest

    Absolutely yes

  • Guest

    I know people can be naive, but at this point it seems like WE are the ones being played…by YOLANDA. Surely she is not that gullible. Not sure if I even want to keep wasting my time watching this storyline.