90 Day Fiance: Michael Ilesanmi Ditches Grandkids For Safety

90 Day Fiance star Michael Ilesanmi ditched his grandkids for the sake of his safety. He wanted to get away from his wife Angela Deem. Michael claimed she was abusive and toxic. Most fans aren’t surprised since they’ve witnessed her behavior over the years.

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On the current season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, fans watched Michael’s arrival to the United States. Angela brought him to her home, where he met her grandkids. They were so happy to see him. But he’s no longer in their lives. Keep on reading to learn more.

90 Day Fiancé Spoilers – Michael Ilesanmi Fears His Safety

The reaosn why the 90 Day Fiance cast member ran away from Angela Deem is that he didn’t feel safe. Michael Ilesanmi was with Angela for seven years. He waited that long to arrive in the United States. It didn’t take much for him to end their marriage.

The two had an explosive fight that caused him to flee her home. He left her three months after his arrival to the U.S. This became headline news. Angela was concerned about Michael and assumed he was in danger.

He didn’t tell his wife about his plans to leave her. He was more focused on his safety. Michael Ilesanmi is currently living in Texas. Angela Deem is still financially responsible for her husband since she’s the one who brought him here.

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90 Day Fiancé Spoilers – Star Ditches His Grandkids

On the Sunday, July 7 episode of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Michael met his grandkids in person for the first time. They were excited to meet him. Meanwhile, fans were in shock over how many kids lived at Angela’s home.

There are six kids in total. Three of the kids belong to Skyla and the other three belong to her other daughter, who is serving time in jail. Angela’s grandkids were shocked over seeing Michael Ilesanmi. They told producers they never thought it was going to happen.

Michael was happy to be with them at that moment. Angela encouraged her grandkids to call him “Daddy” and he went along with it. But Michael doesn’t care about them anymore. He ditched them so he could live a quiet and peaceful life.

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Most fans feel Angela Deem is the reason why Michael Ilesanmi ran away. Others argued that he was only with her to get a visa to the U.S. Angela previously shared that her grandkids are upset over his absence.

What are your thoughts on Michael Ilesanmi ditching his grandkids? Do you think he’s better off in Texas? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back for more 90 Day Fiance spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Dinah

    He did the right thing
    Angela has angry issues
    She showed him who she is a long time ago
    She’s who she is and she’s not going to change
    She will find another victim

  • Dinah s.

    Michael need to protect his mental health
    Angela need professional help

  • Missy

    Michael is much better off leaving that abrasive, vulgar, and toxic old lady set in her ways! He’s young & deserves a peaceful life!

    • Susan

      Totally agree. IG he just wanted a green card he could have easily found someone sane and less toxic & abusive.

  • Lori

    Good for Michael!!! Angela is crazy and mean!!! How overwhelming to walk into all those kids!!!!?? No thanks I wish Michael the best in the US and Angela well I think you know!!!!???

  • Bessie Ferguson

    She is much older while he is much younger. There are generational differences. She is too toxic for him. He should be able to live his life fully; meaning having a nice and supportive spouse by his side who can give him children if they so desire. He deserves happiness. I don’t think she wants that for him. It appears like she is treating him because she wants to control him instead of letting him grownup to be the man he can be.

  • Lor

    Michael has done everything for her from the start in his own country. I always felt sorry for Michael because of her abusive mouth. Now he is free and thanks to her. Good luck

    • Cindy

      Angela is the most rude, mean, disrespectful, horrible, awful person in the history of 90 Day. I stopped watching it live when I knew she was going to be on. I watched it on DVR and fast forwarded past her. I can’t even look at her. That’s how much I can’t stand her! She’s done terrible things to Michael. I’m so happy for him that he got away from her. I hope he meets someone wonderful and lives a long happy life.

  • Sherrie

    Well Michael is a real piece of work himself! Acting like a victim, always was his intention to leave her once he got the k1 visa! Knew exactly where to go to live with others like him!!

  • Debi

    Whether he used her or not, no one deserves to be treated like that!

    • Susan

      Very true!!! I don’t think he was only in it for a visa, since he could have found a fairly “normal” woman closer to his age and probably could have gotten to the US a few years sooner. Good luck & best wishes to Michael

  • Renee

    Michael did the right thing

  • Renee

    Michael did the right thing, the only thing he could do, life is too short to live in misery.

  • Cathy

    After tolerating years of abuse from Angie, wrong intentions
    or not, Micheal deserves a life of his own. She ruined his future for a normal family and life in his own country.

  • Betsy

    He only wanted America he did not want her or the kids. it wouldn’t of mattered if they fought or not, he just wanted to come here for his FREEDOM!!

    • Lucianna

      Betsy you must be old yourself and mean Africa is not the slavery state America was and we still have evil prejudice people in it.God blessed all his children with free will so if Micheal wants to go to America or you want to go to Russia your free will will take so long as you have opportunity

    • Patricia

      She is a angry old wrinkle no ass peace of work. I don’t know how he even had sex with her! She’s disgusting. He so deserved that visa after dealing with her nasty asd

  • Cyndy

    I personally don’t blame Michael and
    I really believe those grandkids were excited to see him hoping they might have 1/2 a chance of having a somewhat normal life with him around. Sadly they were not his grandkids. He had never been around him to earn the title grandpa. Why would Angela want them to call him Daddy? She truly needs help.


    Too bad his spousal visa will be revoked as he has been in the US for less than 1 year if he is legally divorced

    • Jill

      Not true. The lawyer Angela met with told her that Michael’s spousal visa approval protects his rights as an American citizen. And if they split up or divorce, she is still responsible for him.

  • Dee

    Payback is a bitch isn’t it Angela, now you have to take care of him $$$ for 10 yrs. Carma’s a bitch, all that abuse & he took it now it’s your turn to pay Angela. Enjoy Michael

  • Izzy

    He used her as she used him there both bad people. I feel bad for the children.

  • PattyTrish

    He should have left even sooner than he did. Angela is completely physcotic, delusional and toxic is not a strong enough word. He HAD to lie to her to keep from getting killed or severely injured. Angela really should be in jail! Please take her OFF this show, it’s not even entertaining anymore. I’m a victim of domestic violence and it seems TLCZ Is promoting it. Very heartbreaking.

  • Donna

    I’ve met many people from her home town. No one there likes her.

  • Connie Calzudes

    Angela was obviously physically and verbally abusive. Michael only put up with to achieve coming to America. Soon as he did he immediately released himself from this mutual toxic relationship that started from it’s initial start…they obviously used each other unhealthily!!

  • KT

    From the beginning she tried to change him. These woman have to realize that you can not change a man who comes from traditional backgrounds of generations of culture. This is why there are foreign to our ways. America is the land of free and not cultural. Get yourself an American guy where you don’t have to abide by the culture. She emasculated him in manhood and culture. Stop using these foreign men for the manhood that hangs alongside his leg. There are plenty of American men who have the same object you don’t have to go far and spend thousands of dollars to get and are young, they want a sugar momma because that’s what it is. Any man who prefers a woman to take care of them is a guy who is definitely ok with not doing anything.

  • D

    I hope both of them be happy micheal wife was very mean no one. Should betreatd that way

  • Melanie

    Good for you, Michael! Angela is psycho- Google her and watch her on Jerry Springer. She is terrifying! Michael seems to be a very sweet man who does not deserve Angela’s or anybody’s cruelness.

  • Marilyn

    Angela is toxic. She will never find a sane man that would take her verbal abuse. Michael is better off without her.

  • Summer

    Even if initially Michael was in it for the right reasons and later it was for the green card can you fricken blame him, seriously! After all the bs Angela put that man through he’s owed that damn green piece of plastic! I’m sorry typically I wouldnt agree with someone doing something like that but Michael put up with Angela accusations of cheating meanwhile she’s messing with that one guy, flirting with anyone she wishes too and Michael couldn’t do that! Hell if Michael said half the shit to a female that Angela said to all the men during their 7 yr relationship he would dead literally! He wasn’t allowed to work! He had zero privacy yet you never saw him demand to see Angela’s cell! Their ENTIRE relationship was so hypocritical and one sided, Angela’s I just can’t blame Michael for making the decision to stick it out until he got his green card IF that is what he did! Keep in mind Angela could have stopped the process any time she wanted, she’s not innocent in any of this! Sick of her playing the victim! Michael has earned his green card damnit! Personally I think it would be hilarious if he wanted to go back home cus he hated America haha ALL MEN BEWARE ANGELA IS ON THE HUNT! RUN!