90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Ashley’s Wedding Disappointment – More Colt Mommy Issues – Olga And Steven Bicker

90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Ashley's Wedding Disappointment - More Coly Mommy Issues - Olga And Steven BickerThe 90 Day Fiance’ Recap for Sunday, December 23 kicks off with Leida and Eric.  Eric is meeting with his three daughters; the other two girls are backing Tasha. Eric wants to get the girls on his side and have them attend the wedding he doesn’t want to be alone.

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90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Leida and Eric

Tasha tells Eric she has a place no thanks to him. Eric tells Tasha he is sorry that had to happen. Eric tells Tasha she knew Leida was coming and she never bothered to find an apartment. Tasha accuses Eric of throwing her out in the street. The girls tell Eric he was taking Leida’s side against Tasha. Eric says Leida is his last shot at love; he spent two decades making decisions based on the kids, he has to do for himself now. Eric tells the girls he’s not forcing them out of his life and wants to resolve this. Tasha tells Eric she won’t go to the wedding because of how Leida treated her. Eric says he’s between a rock and a hard place and hopes the girls come to the wedding.

Leida goes for a makeup trial appointment to see how she is going to look for her wedding. Leida isn’t talking to any of Eric’s daughters, so she came to her appointment alone. Leida has no idea how to do her makeup because she has people in her country to do it for her. Leida talks to her makeup artist about her last marriage and about falling in love with Eric. Leida tells her she has some concerns with Eric. The makeup artist believes Leida has a lot going on at this time. Leida talks about her family telling her she can do better than Eric. Leida wishes she had six months instead of ninety days to make this decision.

Eric and Leida need to talk before the wedding. Eric’s children have caused a lot of issues in their relationship. Eric doesn’t have time to fix things between Leida and his daughters, but she needs to realize his kids are still family. Leida says the rift between him and the girls was not her fault. Leida tells Eric it is not going to be immediately. Eric tells Leida that it is not going to be this cut and dry between her and Tasha.

Eric asks if it will be a problem if Tasha comes to the wedding. Eric tells Leida that tomorrow is the point of no return, she can’t just keep threatening to leave. Leida tells Eric says she has given up everything to be with him, and he is doing the same for her. Leida says it if changes in the future, she will still leave. Eric tells Leida that he makes mistakes sometimes and she has to realize that. It is heard for Eric to imagine getting married without his daughters there.

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90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Steven and Olga

Olga meets with Anna to talk about her visa. Steven has gotten Richie’s American passport and wanted to take him to America without Olga. Olga needs someone to talk to, and Anna is her best friend. Anna asks how things went at the embassy. Olga tells Anna that she has no information about her Visa. Olga is scared that she may not get her Visa. Anna asks if Olga has talked about this with Steven. Olga says Steven gets mad when she brings up her visa. Anna asks if she is sure he applied for a Visa at all. Anna says it is Steven’s responsibility to get her visa for her. Olga is afraid Steve just came to get the baby.

Anna is watching Richie so Steven and Olga can spend some time together. Olga is worried that Steven never applied for the K-1 Visa for her. Steven has been thinking about his relationship with Olga and wanted to talk before he leaves. Steven didn’t apply for the visa in December. Steven didn’t apply for the visa until he got to Russia. Steven tells Olga he knows that was wrong. Olga tells Steven he should have been honest the first time. Olga doesn’t understand why Steven wasn’t honest with her.

Dishonesty is not what Olga wants their relationship to be. Steven wanted to hold off until he got to know Olga longer. Olga doesn’t understand why he could tell her from the beginning. Steven thought about applying for the baby’s passport and taking him to America with him. Steven proposes to Olga to prove that he loves her. Olga is thrilled to be engaged to Steven now. Steven promises to come back as soon as possible and to keep her updated on the visa.

90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Kalani and Asuelu

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Kalani and Asuelu have arrived in California for their wedding. Kalani and Asuelu have rented a place to stay until their wedding. Kalani only has a couple of days to put together a wedding. Asuelu asks if Kalani is ready for the wedding. Kalani wants to marry Asuelu, but she is stressed out right now. Asuelu wants Kalani’s family to believe he is there because he wants to be with her and their son. Kalani is undecided whether to tell her family about the new baby or not.

Kalani is getting her nails done with her mom and sister; her wedding is tomorrow. Kalani feels weird that her sister doesn’t know about the pregnancy. Kalani isn’t nervous about getting married; she is nervous that she has to rush to get ready for tomorrow. Kalani has the old Asuelu back, so she feels good about him. Kalani’s mom is excited about seeing them dressed up tomorrow. Kolini asks if Kalani is drinking tonight, she doesn’t explain why she’s not. Kolini thinks Kalani should be more excited. Kalani and her mom talk about telling Kolini about the new baby. Kalani feels she has to tell her sister tonight about the baby because tomorrow isn’t an option.

Kalani is at her bachelorette party and wishes she could drink but she can’t. The girls ask what the hottest thing about Asuelu is, Kalani is shy about her answer. Kalani wants to talk to Kolini alone for a minute before they continue the party. Kalani thanks Kolini for the party and tells her she has been keeping something from her. Kolini says Kalani is freaking her out.

Kalani tells Kolini she’s pregnant. Kolini is visibly upset by this confession. Kalani knows Kolini is disappointed, but she wanted to be honest with her. Kolini walks away; she doesn’t want to do this. Kalani feels like she has ruined everything. Kolini tells Kalani she is a grown woman and Asuelu can’t even work. Kolini doesn’t feel good about this and feels Asuelu did this to tie Kalani down. Kolini tells a friend about the pregnancy before coming back to talk to Kalani. Kolini says it is one thing after another. Kalani knows the timing is bad and she’s sorry she is upset over this and hopes they can enjoy tomorrow. Kolini doesn’t even want to see Asuelu and Kalani doesn’t have to marry him.

90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Jonathan and Fernanda

Jonathan and Fernanda slept in separate rooms after a huge fight. Fernanda went for a walk to spend some time alone. Fernanda tells Jonathan they need to talk. Fernanda has written a letter for Jonathan. She wants him to know exactly how she feels. Jonathan is worried and fears for the worse. Fernanda reads her letter to Jonathan. Fernanda apologizes and continues to read to him. Fernanda loves Jonathan and is there because of him; she explains why she is upset. Jonathan tells Fernanda that he understands how she feels. Jonathan has never had to support someone else and think about how they are affected by things. They agree to be more understanding toward each other’s feelings. Fernanda asks Jonathan if he still wants to marry her.

90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Jay and Ashley

Jay and Ashley’s wedding day has arrived. Jay says it is stressful and exciting; he says he’s come too far to turn back now. Ladies arrive in their room to do Ashley’s hair and makeup. Ashley tells them about her other two engagements. Ashley says her wedding day isn’t everything she dreamed of her wedding being; she never thought she would be getting ready alone.

Ashley has had some doubts, but she is ready to do this. Jay is at that chapel waiting for Ashley, but he doesn’t think anyone his age is ready to get married. Ashley never planned on getting married with Elvis in attendance. Elvis begins the ceremony. Ashley never imagined saying her vows Elvis still. Jay and Ashley are pronounced man and wife and exit the chapel. Ashley hopes she won’t regret this decision down the road.

One week after Jay and Ashley’s wedding someone is facetiming Jay, he says it’s about a tattoo. Ashley messages the woman back and finds out Jay had a tender account and was talking to multiple women. Ashley asked Jay if he had an account. Jay admitted to everything and Ashley told him it’s over between them. Ashley didn’t need to know if he slept with this woman because the account said enough. Ashley can’t see how Jay lives with himself after what he did to her.

Ashley says the signs were there and she should have known better. Ashley went to Natalie’s house and told her what happened. Ashley says Natalie was right about Jay. Ashley can’t kick Jay out of the house because she is responsible for him for ten years. Ashley has no idea what to do about Jay. Jay’s excuse was that he was bored and had to find women online. Jay arrives as the producers are interviewing Ashley. Jay asks Ashley if she wants to talk about it.

90 Day Fiance’ Recap Sunday, December 23: Colt And Larissa

Colt and Larissa take the garbage out, and Larissa is controlling her temper much better. Colt says things are back on track with him and Larissa, but she and his mother are still not speaking. Colt needs his mom and Larissa to start talking again. Debbie asks about dinner with Andrew; Colt said it started rough but ended up ok.

Colt wants his mom to make up with Larissa. Debbie doesn’t know how to make up with Larissa because she doesn’t know if she can forgive Larissa. Debbie wants Larissa to apologize to her. Colt knows Debbie is hurt by what happened at the barbeque. Debbie doesn’t know if she wants Larissa in her family. Colt doesn’t want to have to choose between the two of them.

Colt has asked Larissa to make up with Debbie. Larissa has invited Debbie to have their nails done. Larissa is afraid that Colt will be upset with her if she doesn’t make up with Debbie. Larissa and Debbie tell the girls Larissa is getting married this weekend. Larissa apologizes to Debbie and thinks they should be friends. Debbie thinks Larissa was sincere when she apologized.

Debbie tells Larissa that she’s glad Colt is getting married, and she thinks they can work things out. Debbie wants this to work out. Debbie tells Larissa she is there for her whenever she needs her. Debbie offers to move to another house, Larissa tells her no, she can stay with them. Larissa tells Debbie she has a new perspective and has found a new family.

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