’90 Day Fiance’ Spoilers: Sasha Larin Suspected Of Having Coronavirus (Covid-19)

90 Day Fiance star Sasha Larin is a fitness buff and was ready to hit the gym when the Coronavirus (Covid-19) hit the United States. The 90 Days star has been in self-quarantine with his wife and son. However, Sasha has fallen ill, could it be Covid-19?

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90 Day Fiance – Sasha  Larin Fell Ill Last Week

90 Days star’s wife Emily Larina states that Sasha has been ill for over a week. Sasha has been in severe pain and didn’t seem to be improving. Emily felt that she has no choice but to take Sasha to the hospital to seek medical help. “Sasha has had a fever, no cough, but aches and stomach pains,” Emily stated.

When asked if she had taken him to the hospital Emily got what seems to be the typical reply for anyone dealing with this illness. “I took him in. They won’t test him. He is not high risk enough. They sent him home.” Emily replied on her Instagram account. Sasha’s comment caused a nurse to reply urging her to keep her distance and increase cleaning while taking care of Sasha.

Emily Couldn’t Stay With Sasha

Even though 90 Days Emily had been caring for Sasha at home she stated that Sasha hadn’t improved after two days. Sasha was put in a bed at the hospital but Emily was not allowed inside with him. Emily says she has never seen Sasha in this shape. Unfortunately, all Emily could do was wait for the staff to get done with Sasha and wait for answers. However, Sasha was sent home and it looks like he got the COVID-19 test and they won’t know anything for 48 hours.

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What Happens Next?

After being exposed to what could be Covid-19, Emily and her son could both be at risk for contracting the virus. Now that Covid-19 is thought to be airborne, it may not matter how much Emily has cleaned or if Sasha continues to wear a mask. Unfortunately, if the baby contracts the virus, Emily won’t be able to stay with him either. The fact that patients have to be under quarantine in the hospital keeps family members from staying with them. Unfortunately, Sasha’s illness proves that healthy living is no guarantee that you won’t contract the virus.

Fans will be hoping and praying right along with Emily for Sasha’s recovery. We also hope that Emily and the baby are fortunate enough not to contract the virus even though they have almost certainly been exposed.

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