Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Faysal Shakes Up BB20 At Power of Veto Meeting

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Faysal Shakes Up BB20 At Power of Veto MeetingThis week on Big Brother 20, things are heating up with both Kaitlyn and Haleigh on the eviction block. Faysal has won the veto competition and houseguests are debating whether he should use it or not. Sam, the new Head of Household, is also being cryptic with her game plan.

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To Veto or Not

Before Faysal won the veto competition on Saturday, Big Brother 20 spoilers indicate that he promised both Kaitlyn and Haleigh he would save them should he win. He won, and now he’s in trouble. But while the other houseguests might be clueless about who he will save or whether he will even use his veto, Faysal seems to have a decision already.

On Sunday, per Big Brother Network’s feed highlights, Faysal promised Haleigh he would use his veto to get her off the block. He said that after all the blindside votes in the past three weeks, he can’t risk Haleigh staying on the block and go home despite the high chances that the other houseguests will send Kaitlyn out.

According to BB20 spoilers, Haleigh told Faysal she is nervous about the situation and the possibility that Faysal will change his mind. Faysal said just trust him and don’t worry. They continue to talk about their veto plan until dawn, and Haleigh remembered to ask what’s in exchange for his “ride or die” plan.

Faysal wants her to be his F2 and he wants her to stop being in a showmance with other guys. Haleigh does not quite agree with their F2 showmance. She almost discouraged him from using his veto to save her, telling him that she would understand. In addition, if Haleigh gets off the eviction block, Angie could be the one replacing her.

Kaitlyn Feels She’s Going Home 

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Meanwhile, Kaitlyn is feeling upset Faysal won’t use his veto to save her. And she knows other houseguests are against her because of her backdoor plan to vote and evict Swaggy the other week. Brett, for instance, told Haleigh that he wants Kaitlyn to be out because for sure, she’s going to target him next.

But Kaitlyn is not going without a fight. She told Faysal she loves him, and Tyler said that’s the same thing she told him.

The Results

According to Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds, the houseguests have held their Power of Veto ceremony, and Faysal stayed true to his word and saved Haleigh.  HOH Sam had no choice but to put someone new up on the block.  The final nominees for the week are Kaitlyn and Rockstar.


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