Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 1 Eviction And Head Of Household Comp – Who Is Going Home?

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 1 Eviction And Head Of Household Comp - Who Is Going Home?Big Brother 20 spoilers indicate that tonight’s all new BB20 episode will feature the season’s first live eviction, followed by an all new Head of Household competition to crown the Week 2 HOH.

AMP in the post

Big Brother Season 20 kicked off with a bang, and the houseguests came ready to play out of the gate.  Often on CBS Big Brother the first few weeks of the game are mostly gossiping, desperate attempts for camera time, and random hook-ups.  But, this group of players is already diving in to alliances and strategy.

Big Brother spoilers indicate that Sam Bledsoe and Steve Arienta are up for eviction, and one of them will be sent home during the Week 1 live eviction.  BB20 live feeds have been tough to follow with all of the people still in game, however it looks like any one’s guess as to who will be evicted.

L6 alliance has been working hard to secure votes, however as of right now it seems the house is divided.  Of course anything could happen between now and tonight’s eviction.

Also, if the house does vote Sam Bledsoe out, she does have that mysterious super power that may give her the chance to walk right back in to the house.

AMP in the post

So Big Brother 20 fans, who do you think will be voted out?  And who do you want to see win the Week 2 HOH competition?  Let us know in the comments below!

And visit our dedicated  Big Brother page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers.

BB20BB20 spoilersBig BrotherBig Brother 20Big Brother evictionBig Brother spoilersSam Bledsoe
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