CBS Execs Reportedly Upset Over Tom Selleck’s ‘Poor House’ Comments About “Blue Bloods” Cancellation

According to a report by Closer, CBS executives are furious with Blue Bloods’ star, Tom Selleck, over comments he made after the show’s cancellation announcement.

AMP in the post

As per the report, the 79-year-old actor has been talking about the fact that the Blue Bloods’ cancellation could send him into the “poor house” and cause him to lose his beloved 63-acre ranch. Selleck has lived at his ranch in Ventura Country since 1988. More on this story, below.

CBS Execs Aren’t Buying Tom Selleck’s Claims

The Closer report goes on to state that CBS officials aren’t buying, nor impressed with, Selleck’s “poor house” claims, as they know exactly what kind of paychecks he’s earned since being with Blue Bloods.

CBS Execs Reportedly Upset Over Tom Selleck’s ‘Poor House’ Comments About “Blue Bloods” Cancellation

Selleck has earned $200,000 per episode, raking in $56 million during his time on the series, which doesn’t factor in rerun residuals! The show began in the fall of 2010, with 14 seasons under the show’s belt.

The report claims that CBS execs are displeased with Selleck’s claims, especially since he makes significantly more than the other staff and crew on the show.

AMP in the post

As many of these individuals are making less than $100,000 annually, they are truly facing financial strain, and uncertainty as the series draws to a close.

Tom Selleck – Doesn’t Want Blue Bloods To End

Selleck has been vocal about not wanting Blue Bloods to end since CBS announced the show’s cancellation.

As the series still has a huge following and does well in the ratings, he’s commented and questioned the network’s decision to pull the plug on the long-running CBS drama.

There’s always a chance for a Blue Bloods spin-off or possible movie; however, if Selleck has angered CBS higher-ups, this could ruin any chances of him being involved or even a project being taken to the next step.

The final shows of Blue Bloods will premiere on CBS starting Friday, October 18 at 10 p.m. (ET) with the series finale occurring sometime in December of this year.

Are you sad to see Blue Bloods come to an end? What do you think about Tom Selleck’s comments about the show’s cancellation? Comment below! Visit CTS regularly for all the best news, spoilers, and updates in the land of television!

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  • Brenda Nelson

    Apparently CBS executives know nothing about maintaining a farm of any kind. It takes lots of money and hard work. Mr. Selleck is a man of integrity and if he made this statement then CBS should listen. I am sick of the media trying to destroy Mr. Selleck’s good reputation.

    • Hildy

      Do you remember when Tom Selleck was on Rosie O’Donnell’s talk show? She put him on the spot about being involved/spokesman at the time with the NRA. I stopped watching her show after that.

    • Carole Burley

      It’s not about the pecuniary interests of anyone: it’s about the loss of a family oriented program with real life situations. Leave Tom Selleck out of this, please.

    • Nancy

      If Tom Selleck is worried about losing his ranch, he should take out a REVERSE MORTGAGE. He hawks about it enough!

  • Joseph J Mercurio


    • Dee Marino

      Perhaps he said it as a means to garner fan support to pressure the network for renewal. He knows that he is the star and and that the entire Blue Bloods crew would benefit from renewal If the network was pressured into doing so.

  • James Ellerman

    He’s going to go to the poorhouse? What about all of the people he suckered with his pitch on those scam “Reverse Mortgage”? How many people trusted his advice and lost their homes because he was so admired?

  • Sgraham

    I love Bluebloods and do not want it yo close.

  • Sally

    The fans don’t want it to end either but CBS doesn’t give a damn about their fans.

  • Warren D. Miller

    In my less-than-humble opinion, the combined I.Q. of the 20 most highly (over)-paid CBS executives doesn’t reach double digits. I’ll be 81 in December, and there hasn’t been a weekly TV program in the 70-plus years that I’ve been watching network television that is/was even half as good as ‘Blue Bloods.’

  • D. Markowsky

    I want Blue Bloods to stay. I can’t belive it has been cancelled. Love all of the characters and story lines. Please renew it.

  • Elaine

    I would love to live in Tom Selleck’s poor house.

  • John skinner

    For some its never enough. Cancel

  • Janet

    Sour grapes….get over it you over paid actor!

  • Linda San Juan

    My family’s absolute favorite program.
    Bluebloods is one of the most realistic shows on tv. Watching this show makes you feel a part of it, and feel the family bond they have. Message in each episode deals with up to date issues we are having in our communities. No reason to cancel this program all actors are relatable.

  • Gary L Jones

    Both my wife and I, and many others we know would prefer to have Blue Bloods go on for several more years.

  • Marilyn Markowitz

    What is wrong with CBS that they canceled
    “Blue Bloods”??? It was wonderful!!! So interesting, heart-felt, and relevant to today. The actors were so good in portraying their characters. Each one giving a true account of what a person could and should be, in today’s world. It was a scheduled appointment every Friday. Please Please Please CBS rethink this decision!!!!!

  • Marilyn Markowitz

    What is wrong with CBS for canceling ‘Blue Bloods’?? The Show was wonderful, the actors were wonderful, showing what today’s World is all about and could be. And honoring ” Family” as no other Show has done in a while. Please Please Please bring ‘Blue Bloods’ back

  • Pam

    Cancellation of Blue Bloods is a BIG mistake! The show is in its prime; there is so much more to learn about the characters…..the story line is not finished. Tom Selleck is just defending his ! Shame on the network!

  • Tony Dockrill

    My son and I love to watch Blue Bloods together, one of our favorites, it never gets old. We were sad to hear it was being cancelled! Please renew it for longer!

  • Rhonda

    Don’t cancel blue bloods. One of my favorite shows. I am so sad. I hope that another network picks it up. You can have a show like. Grey’s Anatomy go on for years and it’s not better than blue blood. Save blood.

  • Knut Danielsen

    It’s all about the money and egos. If it were about ratings, then NCIS – Hawaii, Magnum (reboot) PI, and others would have remained on the air. CBS brain trusts have historically made some poor decisions; trading Gunsmoke for Gilligan’s Island comes to mind.
    On another note, when Tom Selleck started with Blue Bloods 14: years ago, he was 65. Lou Cariou, the actor who plays Frank Reagan’s father, is 84, Donnie Wahlberg is 55, do we see a trend here? The actors are getting into that stage in life where at best their energy level is diminishing; at worst their, days could be numbered. That’s the reality that the network failed to work with and so we are facing the end of a beloved program.

  • Sally

    I do not understand how CBS can cancel entertaining, well written, and well acted shows like Blue Bloods and So Help Me Todd, yet they keep poorly directed and acted shows like Fire Country.

  • Taureen Jones

    What is wrong with CBS!! Blue Bloods is by far the best show on TV. Nobody does family bonding better. Such a shame to see this fabulous program end. Now another crappy TV show will take its place. Shame on you CBS!!!

  • Vicki

    I think it’s ridiculous you’re canceling such a program that gives people hope and we love the characters so much. It just seems like all of the less (non-violent) programs are being taken away there’s no reason to cancel this except for maybe somebody higher ups greed.

  • Bill

    Maybe Tom should look into a reverse mortgage like he advertises on TV

  • June

    This is such a shame not only did CBS cancel the show. They only had a sale for two days which a lot of fans never found out tell it was too late. They should of had more days for the sale

  • Judith Clarke

    I want Blue Bloods to continue! Shame on CBS for canceling it!

  • Jack koers

    Bluebloods not only promotes good values, strong lessons in character, the importance of family and faith, but also respect for the law and those who elect to choose law enforcement as a career, it provides wonderful entertainment at the same time. What does CBS really find objectionable? Not woke enough?

  • RITA Kalina

    The cast wants to continue , the show has great ratings, what’s the problem? Not many shows with good family morals left, please pick it up again.


    I would love for blue blood to continue.It’s a wonderful show.I’d love to see it on sundays It’s a family show.
    Some of us May.
    Not have a family that gets together. Seeing the family a blue blood.
    It’s like a real family. I hope the show continues on instead of Being canceled.

  • Mary H

    My favourite show please do not cancel.

  • Dorie

    CBS has made some really poor decisions thus year about what to keep and what to cut. Your new additions are crap compared to your cuts….elsbeth….joke…matlock. give me a break! You had it going on cbs…too bad you cut so help me todd, great energy in that show! Bluebloods…classic! Disappointed in you!

  • Kim

    Bluebloods is an amazing show. Should not be cancelled. Tom is trying to get his point across. Maybe chose the wrong words maybe he didn’t. Just because he was making that much doesn’t mean it is in his savings. Running a farm takes a lot of income. Please bring the show back with Tom and all the other characters.


    Tom Selleck has been in the entertainment business for decades. He has made millions.
    Everyone knows in that business, sooner or later a series will end. What did he do with all his money? Of course it takes a lot to keep a ranch going. However, there are no guarantees in the entertainment business and in Hollywood specifically. He obviously shouldn’t have taken on a ranch if he knew he could not afford it. Besides when I saw him advertising for those mortgages where the government pays you back. I was disgusted, because I know the program is a scam, and many people lost their homes because of it.
    Perhaps he should get a reverse mortgage. I bet he won’t. No, I don’t feel sorry for anyone involved in what I believe to be a scam.

  • Peter

    Not only do I watch the new episodes, I watch re-runs every day. It is a great show so keep it!

  • Georgette Aguilar

    We LOVE the Blue Bloods and truly wondered why it was cancelled… We would love to see it continue! We have watched most episodes multiple times. I assumed it was making good money for CBS because it’s excellently done. We think it’s about the best show on television these days. Sorry to see it go…. I’m sure CBS could overlook Tom Selleck’s comment and reconsider their decision or do a spin off. It’s hard to believe this show wasn’t the money maker.

  • Kermith

    I don’t want Blue Bloods to come to an end. I’ve watched every episode of the show and it’s a great show. There are lots of fans that want the show to continue so there’s no way that the CBS is not making money from the show. If they don’t want to keep the show going then sell it to another network so that they can continue it. This way everyone is happy, the staff, the viewers and the networks!

  • Stanley

    Maybe Blue Bloods is too conservative for CBS executives. Very few other possibilities.

  • Donna Simpson

    I Iove Tom Selleck on Blue Blood. Watch it every Friday night and reruns on another channel.. I also watched everything Tom Sellecks has ever been in. He is my favorite actor. I think there are alot awful programs CBS has on and not canceled. This show teaches family first, honor, integrity, life and lawful living. What does that fire fighters show, Todd something and most of CBS line ups teach?? You suck CBS!! Blue Blood us not done. Another network needs to pick it up!!

  • Nick Ang

    Blue Blood is a very good TV series that’s enjoyed by so many viewers, very well conceived, very satisfying and sensible story line, just rewarding and enjoyable to watch.
    This is a gross disservice to the fans and the public to stop a well-loved TV series when it gained so many followers and given joy to home buddies.

  • Sue

    I sure hope they don’t replace it with another idiotic game show. It has gotten to a point where I rarely watch network programming because of the crap they show. This is another nail in their coffin as far as I’m concerned.