Crisis of Infinite Earths Part 4 Trailer Teases Character’s Big Return

Crisis On Infinite Earths

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The Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 4 trailer has just dropped, and fans are losing their minds. It reveals the return of a major character. The CW show has a new trailer out, which features important characters like Black Lighting, Green Arrow, and Killer Frost. Some of the characters that were presumed to be dead are making a comeback. The franchise aired the first three parts of the trailer three weeks ago, with the two remaining episodes scheduled to air Jan. 14 after the holiday break.

The part 3 trailer showed the seven choosing Paragons of the Multiverse. That included the likes of Barry Allen, Batwoman, Lex Luthor, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, The Flash, and Ryan Choi. This means that every other character in the Arrowverse is either lost. However, the part 4 trailer reveals that might not be true. The Crisis on Infinite Earths’ new trailer shows the Paragons stranded while Kara say they’re trying to “get everyone that we lost back.” Even though the Green Arrow died, Oliver appears to be alive and well. There’s also the return of the Spectre, who appears to open his eyes.

In another scene, Heatwave and Killer Frost ask Black Lighting if he’s ready to fight in the Multiverse. The new trailer then ends with Barry and Sara gathering up the heroes as they try to restore Earth-1. You can view the trailer here. Fans originally assumed that Earth-1 wouldn’t last, since most of the shows in the Arrowverse take place outside of it. It’s unclear how it will be restored, but the Book of Destiny could play a role since Luthor was seen ripping a page from it.

Oliver is not seen as the Spectre but rather in an Arrow Season 5 costume, which leaves fans wondering. It’s not clear who he’s fighting in the clip, but the person’s hair and dark clothing that could point towards Prometheus, who is Season 5’s antagonist. However, he killed himself at the end of the season, causing fans to ask why Oliver would be fighting him. Hopefully, fans will get some of the answers to their burning questions when Parts 4 and 5 of Arrowverse’s Crisis on Infinite Earths airs on The CW on Tuesday, Jan. 14. What are your thoughts on the Part 4 trailer? Sound off below in the comments section.

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